DSC athletes deserve gratitude

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I personally love this season—not because it’s the holiday season, but because it’s the time of year when that rubber ball is sent through the metal hoop. 

I’m reminded, by what I’m convinced is my true love, that it takes a lot to play a sport. I grew up playing volleyball and basketball, and I’m the only girl in my family.  I grew up with my dad and two brothers working me to the core on the basketball court, so I know how much work it takes to become a true athlete.

But I’m not here to share my love for the game—I’m here to give my support to the athletes of Dixie State College.

These athletes not only play a game, they partake of a lifestyle that defines who they are. They spend hours in the gym working to be the best, so they can represent Dixie State College.

Yeah, sure, anyone can go to the gym, but how many of us students start at 5 a.m., go to school, and then attend the gym again in the evening? I’d be surprised if any of us did.

One thing that made me incredibly impressed was the fact that both of the Dixie State basketball teams were on the road at tournaments on Thanksgiving day instead of being at home with family.  I was talking to men’s basketball player Zach Robbins last week, and he told me they had a turkey sandwich for their Thanksgiving dinner. Not many people would sacrifice time away from family to spend the holidays on a bus with 20 smelly men.

Another thing, among many, is the fact that most of the athletes have a high grade point average, and they serve in the community of St. George. 

During the men’s basketball game Monday night, these athletes were recognized at halftime to show gratitude from Dixie State College. The court was nearly covered with these students. 

I’m giving my own personal thank you to the athletes of Dixie State College. They deserve to be praised, and they deserve the support and attention of Dixie State. Now, let’s fill the stands and show them how grateful we are.