Students willing to give sequels chance, say sequels don’t live up to originals

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As long as the cast stays consistent and the entertainment keeps on coming, audiences will always want more of a good thing where movies are concerned.

Sequels are intended to continue a good story on a new front. They are the continuation of familiarity with new aspects, jokes and adventures.

Lucero Valencia, a freshman general education major from Beaver Dam, said her favorites include the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies and the “Chronicles of Narnia” series. She said she’s read all the “Chronicles of Narnia” books and is upset they haven’t made another one yet.

“If they’re making a sequel, they have to be relevant to each other,” Valencia said. “If they have to change characters, I don’t like that.”

Shawna Noyes, a senior health science major from Scranton, Pa., said a good sequel should hook viewers just as much as the original. But even a film with a good, original idea to start with can make a wrong turn.

“Then they try to elaborate off it in the second one,” she said. “Then it just ends up not going that way.”

Noyes said her favorite sequels are the “Toy Story” movies, as well as the “Harry Potter” series, though she said she was somewhat indifferent about those as they continued on.

“[The characters] kind of just stayed the same, I think, as they’ve gotten older,” she said.

Students mentioned a lot of the same trilogies or series films, such as the last three Batman films that ended last year with the blockbuster “The Dark Knight Rises.” Also mentioned were the four “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “The Hangover.”

Liliana Carillo, a freshman business major from Los Angeles, said she is excited for the upcoming “Hangover 3.”

“It might be the same thing, but it never gets old,” she said about “The Hangover” movies. “And ‘Fast and the Furious.’ I think all of them are great.”

There are several big blockbuster hits coming out with sequels, and even third series installments, that are worth looking forward to. “Iron Man 3” is on its way, as is a second “Avengers” film.

 “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” is No. 1 in the box office after its first week, and more action can be expected next month when “Star Trek Into Darkness” comes out May 17.

To many “Finding Nemo” fans’ excitement, it was recently announced on “Ellen” (and everywhere on the Internet) that we can expect a sequel focusing more on everyone’s favorite fish, Dory, in 2015.

“You expect good, but then they go above and beyond,” Carillo said. “It surprises you. It makes you want to come back and watch it again.”