Pinterest Project: Create unique candleholders with only rubber bands, spray paint

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I’m somewhat of a sucker for candles, but I’m also sick of buying the same old candles found in grocery stores. 

Since decorative candles have a knack for costing way more than I like to pay, a do-it-yourself project is the perfect alternative.

I found a pin on Pinterest that links to an elegant DIY tutorial. If you’re like me and have no desire to spend more than a couple of hours, a few bucks or an irksome amount of effort, then this is your project. I had the pleasure of lighting my creations within two hours of snapping on the first rubber band, headache free. 

The rubber bands, removed after the paint dries, create a tiger-striped effect. When containing a burning candle, the holders throw ornate shadows across the walls. Depending on the color of paint you use, your holders can either be chic and modern, or intimate and homey. 

The shopping list to complete this project is minimal: Aside from the vases, you need a pack of rubber bands, spray paint (primer works best, since regular paint tends to flake), and some small candles.

If you start from scratch and do a set of four, like me, the total cost will be about $15. You can find cheap, yet decorative, glassware at Target for about $1.50 each. 




1) Wrap rubber bands of different sizes around your choice of clean glasses. Angle them in different directions and vary the thickness of the rubber bands for a pleasing design.


Tip: Don’t go crazy with the rubber bands. If you use too many, you’ll lose paint coverage. Learn from my mistake; I would have liked a bit more color and less stripes. 


2) Place the glasses upside-down in a painting zone and have at it.


3) Let the paint dry for however long the brand calls for.


4) Remove the rubber bands. Take caution and be ready for a mess because the elastic will fling tiny flakes of paint everywhere.


5) Wipe your new candleholders down with a wet cloth to remove any excess flakes of paint. Now dim the lights, strike a match and enjoy.