Intramural officials dispell rumors of fights

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For the 2014 fall semester, Dixie State University is offering a wide variety of intramural events like flag football, ping pong, and even video games.

“The great thing about intramurals is that you don’t have to be good to play,” said intramural supervisor Dacee Stephens. “Intramurals is a fun way to have something to do at night with your friends, have fun and meet new people, and if your not a sports player, you can be a sports fan and come support each team. It’s a fun environment at night to be around and enjoy the company.”

In addition to being a great social opportunity and a way to stay active, there is the incentive of competing. Winning the championship of your event wins you a championship T-shirt to be worn with pride for all to see on campus.

“I see people wearing their shirts around campus,” said Ken Turley, a integrated studies major from Alamo, Nevada. “It’s a fun way of wearing some pride and gaining more attention for the intramural program.”

Although there was one incident including a fight last year, Turley dispelled rumors of fights being a problem in the program.

“Since I have been working with intramurals, fighting has never been a real issue,” said Turley. “Last year there was only one time that involved two students who lost their tempers, but everything was put to rest. The rules are made clear to all, and they are held up by officials. We have been training our officials and players more, and the improvement is easy to see.”

There are rules and responsibilities to be aware of for team captains, as well as team members easily found on the Dixie State intramural webpage at http://dixie.edu/intramurals/intramural_handbook.phpA few items include being to the scheduled competition at least 15 minutes early, communicating with intramural officials, and showing good sportsmanship. 

According to the DSU website, “Fighting, taunting, and any other inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. As an intramural participant, your participation is a privilege and can be taken away or eliminated at any time for any reason.”

An interesting part of sportsmanship in intramurals is the grading system. The system is in place to evaluate the participants based on their attitude and behavior during the events. The intramural handbook states: “Teams must maintain a 2.0 (C) average to continue during league play. Teams must have a 3.0 (B) average in order to qualify for tournament play.”

This is important since it affects the tournament eligibility for a team.

While there are many events that are exciting, there is one that everyone looks forward to.

“Everyone loves flag football here at Dixie,” said Turley. “It’s definitely our biggest event. Everyone shows up to play.”

All of the events can easily be accessed at the DSU website under “Student Life.” Registration for any activity is done at www.imleagues.com/dixie. Some of the events are free, and the intramural site lists the costs per team for sports with a fee.

You must be a Dixie State student to participate, and you are allowed to play on one co-ed team as well as a male or female team for each event or activity.