Letter to the Editor: Non-traditional students need more social opportunities on campus

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While visiting the bathroom the first day of this semester, I perused the Red Storm Roll. This flyer advertised the youthful Week of Welcome festivities, but at age 43, I couldn’t quite picture myself in the midst of a foam dance. Scanning the week’s events, I felt a little left out.

I’m not here at DSU simply to get a degree. I’m here to meet people, create a network, and participate in campus events. But for three semesters I’ve wondered: Where do I belong?

Early issues of The Dixie Sun News reported the success of W.O.W., but all the photos were of young people. Where was the representation for non-traditional students? Did any of them attend the activities? According to DSU’s enrollment data for the fall of 2013 (which is listed under Dixie Facts), approximately 8,300 students attended the university. 307 of those students fell into the 45-64 year-old age bracket. 597 students occupied the 35-44 year-old spot, and 1539 made up the 25-34 year-old category. That equals 2,475 non-traditional students attending DSU last fall.

I’m sure a few of these students are older — like me — and read the Red Storm Roll more frequently than an 18-year-old. It would be nice to see something there that caters to those who are still young at heart.
Polly Bringhurst

Sophomore English major
Santa Clara