Fankhauser helps keep the wheels of DSUSA turning

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Connor Fankhauser, DSUSA executive administrative assistant, is more than just a cog in the machine that is student government; he is the grease that keeps it running smoothly.

Fankhauser, a senior communication major from West Jordan, joined DSUSA as a committee member in 2011 after being recruited by his roommate freshman year. He said he loved it right away and has never questioned his decision to join. His job often requires him to complete miscellaneous assignments that allow other DSUSA members to operate efficiently.

“Connor is the reason student government functions successfully,” said Shaelie Knutson, a senior communication major from Preston, Idaho, and DSUSA campus relations coordinator, in an email. “Without Connor we would all be lost.”

Fankhauser said his job on student government is hands-on and is helping to prepare him for his future. His job is unpredictable, so he has learned to think on his feet. He is not micromanaged, which has taught him to be self-accountable.

“He connects with people that I couldn’t or other people couldn’t, so he’s a great ambassador for student government,” said Gregory J. Layton, a senior English major from Cottonwood Heights and Dixie State University student body president.   

During Homecoming and D-week, the pressure is on at DSUSA, and Fankhauser’s job can demand up to 20 hours a week during times like these.

“It’s like we practically live in the building … because we’re there constantly,” Fankhauser said.   

He will be living at the office for years to come if his occupational goals come to fruition. 

Fankhauser has thought a lot about his future, and he plans on working public relations for either a politician or a European tech startup. He likes the idea of working for a politician, but he is enthralled by the idea of being a part of a company that discovers “the next big thing.”   

“I’ve always thought that it would be kinda cool to be immersed in a different culture 24/7,” Fankhauser said.

Fankhauser has yet to travel outside of the country, but his imagination reels with plans of tourism after graduation. He said he hopes to visit the land of his ancestry to explore the beauties of Scotland. Frankhauser wants to become more than well-traveled — he wants to be a worldly professional.

If you look at his picture on the DSUSA section of dixiestudentlife.com, you can clearly see how animated he is. 

“It doesn’t matter how much work he has to do, he always takes time to make everybody feel good about themselves,” Knutson said. “Everyone looks up to him, and we are so lucky to have him.”

Layton says Fankhauser is active in the LGBT community at Dixie. He is willing to put time into what he believes in, and he recently interviewed to be a representative for the LGBT community in state legislature.

“He isn’t shy about who he is or what he believes in, so I really respect him for that,” Layton said.   

Fankhauser is a multitalented individual, and he thrives not only in business but also in creative endeavors. He didn’t follow his two older sisters or his older brother into their chosen activities. Nevertheless, he has been excelling in ballroom dancing since middle school. He was a member of the ballroom dance team at his high school and at DSU. After spending the last eight years dancing, Frankhauser finds it to be relaxing.  

“I’ve always loved ballroom dancing,” Fankhauser said. “In my spare time, if I have an hour or two to kill, I’ll go to the studio or just go in my room and start dancing.”