School clubs offer needed social life

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Joining a club during your schooling is one of the most rewarding experiences you encounter as a college student. 

As a student, there are responsibilities like homework, class time, work, time with friends and wrapping it all together trying to keep a normal social life is hard. Clubs are a great way to continue that needed social life to become involved and meet new people.  

It is important to find a club that captures your interest instead of just joining a club to join a club. 

Many students join a club and never go to that club’s meetings again. The purpose of a club is to build unity and be a part of something greater, and that cannot be accomplished if you join a club that doesn’t hold your interest. 

Last year I participated in the Rotaract Club. The Rotaract Club was full of service opportunities for the community and even worldwide, giving me a chance to volunteer in a new area for school. I became familiar with the community and was active, jumping right into my first year as a college student.

In the Rotaract Club, we met every week in planning to serve the community. I took part in a donation project around October, carving pumpkins with children, and later putting together gift baskets to be shipped off to children less fortunate. I met many new faces and made new acquaintances with younger kids who were struggling in life. 

The Rotaract Club helped me get out of my shell, build my network and friends, and encounter the spirit and excitement of the university. I learned unity, teamwork and the importance of working together for a better cause.

President  of the Dixie Hispanic Student Association, Sandra Aguirre, a junior general studies major from Los Angeles, said there are many new faces in her club this year. She said DHSA loves seeing new faces of all cultures. 

“Clubs really involve you with school, as well as the community,” Aguirre said. “I still have many close friends from the previous years in the Hispanic Club.” 

Aguirre said roughly 30 to 50 students are active in the DHSA. These students attend activities around the community and school such as Rock the Mall during homecoming week and many service projects. 

Though joining a club is not the only way to create and have a social life as a student, they are a perfect lead and easy opportunity to get involved and determine your active learning, active life at DSU in all aspects of a college experience.