Southern Utah Economy Receives Healthy Boost From Senior Games

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The World Senior Games are one of Utah’s prominent annual events, bringing athletes from over 50 nations into southern Utah. Along with athletes come their families and friends, translating to an improved economy for our area, at least temporarily.

Workers at 25Main, a contemporary urban cafe located in downtown St. George, attributes their increased business to the senior games.

“Our life revolves around getting up and riding and looking for places to eat and then going back to bed in our motor home,” said Jim Mc Carver, a senior cyclist from Prescott, Ariz.

Finding food is a key part to any Senior Games participant, resulting in a boom for our local businesses and memories for everyone involved. 25Main Restaurant Manager Carly Potter said, “It’s fun to have people from all over the world come into our little restaurant and hear their stories and experience St. George.”

Aside from having a healthy appetite, energy and morale are the key components to succeeding in these events. Senior games participant Steve Monez said, “The food was excellent… so I’m ready to race tomorrow.”

With participants pouring into this part of the Beehive State, some need more than just food, they also take in southern Utah’s beautiful weather. VIP Apparel store owner Iryana Figueroa said senior competitors not only dine in Dixie’s many restaurants but they also shop for summer clothes to better enjoy our warm weather.

“We’ve had a lot of tourists and a lot of seniors coming in and checking us out… as well as buying little gifts, you know, for their daughters and granddaughters, or nieces and nephews, so yeah, it’s been good, “ Figueroa said.