Canadian Veteran Volleyball Players Adore Southern Utah

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The 2011 Huntsman Senior Games brought a special event along with them. The event brings teams from across the world to sunny southern Utah for a head to head mash-up in one of the most competitive Senior Game sports available, volleyball.

“The Global Cup comes around every two years,” Canadian volleyball captain Monica Hitchcock told SUN News, “We are so happy to be here for this one and hopefully take that gold trophy back home like we did in 2009.”

The Global Cup is the world championship of senior volleyball and it draws teams ranging from Puerto Rico to Germany. Competition may be the reason for coming, but friendships are what teams leave with.

“We only get to see each other a few times a year on the Canadian team,” Margie Negenman said, “We’re all mothers or grandmothers, so we get so busy. The Huntsman Senior Games are a wonderful time for us to get together and enjoy the sport for a week.”

The next Global Cup tournament will take place in 2013.