Donating plasma ideal for students who are scraping by

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As a college student living off a lifeguard’s salary, donating plasma to make a buck or two is perfectly OK by me.

The sad truth about college is students living on their own, while attending school with a part-time job, sometimes can’t make the cut whether it’s filling up gas or buying a week’s worth of groceries.

With no immediate repercussions from donating plasma, I see nothing wrong with it. I’ve gone into Biolife plenty of times to donate plasma. I started the beginning of last year before I found a job. Before I had a steady income, like the example above, it paid for necessities for the time.

With Biolife as a reference point, donating plasma pays $20 a visit, $40 a week just to sit down for the average of 45 minutes; that is a college student’s dream. It’s also a good crutch for college students to make pocket change for those in between jobs or in search of one.

Places where one chooses to donate plasma should be well maintained and clean, as well as hold a patient’s safety as top priority. If they are tested before donating plasma and meet all of the requirements in order to donate, then donators’ safety should be fine.

I do believe, however, everything should be done in moderation. As long as the donations aren’t done twice a week for two years straight, or something equally ridiculous (keeping it at a moderate level keeps the plasma from having a hard time to regenerate down the road), donating plasma is an easy way to get money for students scraping by.