OPINION| New Year’s resolutions are a hoax

New year, new me, or so we’d like to think.

Let’s be honest with each other, we would all be lying if we said we have never made a New Year’s resolution list in order to “better ourselves” for the upcoming year.

While each neatly, constructed and personalized New Year’s resolution we make for ourselves has great intent, the likelihood of most of us actually following through with it is unfortunately slim.

I can personally attest to this statement because I, too, have made my fair share of goals I planned to conquer in the year to come; however, like most lists, they always find their way neatly tucked away at the bottom of my desk drawer until I decide to clean it out.

“According to some statistics I didn’t fake myself, about 70% of all people abandon their New Year’s resolutions already at the end of January,” Tobias Van Schneider said. “I mean, it makes sense. Most of these resolutions are unattainable and the majority of them are just plain boring. Things like, work out a lot, be healthy or other crazy goals are just too easy to break.”

We all would like to sculpt ourselves into this picture-perfect image we have set out for ourselves, hence the resolutions we strive for every year, but more often than not, breaking these goals is far easier than actually developing them.

If you have set a New Year’s goal for yourself and can honestly say you have accomplished it or are still striving towards a said goal, then I salute you. For us less enthusiastic individuals, most New Year’s resolutions seem like just another item to add to an already overloaded list of to-do’s.

Perhaps New Year’s resolutions aren’t a hoax in their entirety, but this only applies to goals that aren’t completely drastic. What I mean by this is perhaps setting goals centered around bettering your mental health or staying on a path to further you as a person may be a more reachable and easier goal to follow.

Schneider said: “Now what I do instead is writing an ANTI to-do list which is kind of like a resolutions list, but more focused on the negative aspects I want to avoid in my life. It’s kinda like calling myself out and building a system around my mental state rather than focusing on goals that are too easy to dismiss.”

New Year’s resolutions are probably some of the most challenging tasks we can place upon ourselves. The reason for this is because we are completely on our own when it comes to the accountability of said goals. We all know the common saying “you get out of it what you put into it,” but when it is a task in which we don’t specifically need to accomplish. The straight and narrow path to the end becomes a little less steady.

According to betterliving: “Most people are unrealistic about what they want to achieve, and how quickly. They set goals that are too vague. And finally, they are not accountable to anyone – as a New Year’s resolution is a personal goal, there’s no one to pull you up when you decide to skip it that day or give up altogether.”

While it may be difficult to admit to ourselves, New Year’s resolutions just might not be for everyone, and quite frankly, why do we have to “better ourselves” at the beginning of a new year as opposed to attempting to be a little bit better than who we were in days past?

Often times when we set these unrealistic expectations on ourselves, also known as “false hope syndrome,” and we fall short, it has the potential to be damaging to our mental wellbeing, therefore leaving us worse off than before.

“Psychology professor Peter Herman and his colleagues have identified what they call the ‘false hope syndrome,’ which means their resolution is significantly unrealistic and out of alignment with their internal view of themselves,” Ray Williams said. “This principle reflects that of making positive affirmations. When you make positive affirmations about yourself that you don’t really believe, the positive affirmations not only don’t work, they can be damaging to your self-worth.”

I say, enough with the resolutions and unattainable goals. Let’s strive to mold ourselves into who we wish to be every step of the way, 365 days of the year. Just because a new year is on the horizon doesn’t entirely mean we change along with it.

Stop making unrealistic goals for each new year, instead, strive for goals which will better you in your everyday life, ones which are far easier to maintain and hold yourself accountable for. These types of goals would be — but not subjected to — setting aside time for self-care, spending more time with loved ones, and even dedicating free time to the things you love the most.

Here’s to the upcoming year, but remember, just because it is a new year, doesn’t mean we become someone new. It is up to all of us to make a change, not to make a list of unreachable goals in hopes it will provide motivation. So, put down the pen and paper and just enjoy this holiday season surrounded by those you love.

OPINION | DSU should do more to celebrate pride

Dixie State University should do more to celebrate its LGBTQ+ students during pride week.

Pride week at DSU takes place in January, and while the effort is appreciated, more should be done to adequately represent this community of individuals. Outside of the LGBTQ+ Resource Center or the students already involved in the community, pride at DSU doesn’t gain much traction.

As DSU grows, it’s important to keep up with surrounding universities. The University of Utah and other higher education institutions celebrate their pride week by changing the color of their logos to rainbow. 

After the same-sex PDA ban made by Brigham Young University, surrounding colleges have gathered together to show their support for their LGBTQ+ students. Salt Lake Community College painted its crosswalk rainbow to show its students that all love is accepted on their soil.

Chuck Lepper, vice president for student affairs at SLCC, told Deseret News, “Although it is only made from different colors of paint on asphalt, it is a symbol that matters.”

Although changing a few colors is a small gesture, it makes big changes. It shows love and acceptance from SLCC and would do the same coming from DSU. This can go a long way in creating more inclusion on campus. It would be comforting for LGBTQ+ students to see representation for their community on their walk to class.

According to Utah Valley University, “The individuals at UVU who are involved in creating a better place for LGBTQ+ individuals do great work despite a climate that does not encourage LGBTQ+ individuals to feel safe or valued.”

To better Participate in pride week, DSU could wrap the colors of the rainbow around the free-standing “D” in front of the alumni house, and change the colors of the clock tower into a rainbow hue. It would stand for the love and support all students at DSU are granted. 

An NBC News article stated, “This void in curriculum fosters an environment where queer students are isolated and invisible on campuses.”

DSU could pull inspiration from surrounding universities. For example, the University of Utah has brought in Laverne Cox, an actress, and a trans rights activist to speak on LGBTQ+ rights to students.

DSU should do something similar by having guest speakers to help educate staff and students on pride and why we have it. DSU has opportunities for guest speakers among the LGBTQ+ Resource Center, students, or LGBTQ+ alumni; ultimately a platform can be given.

OPINION | Elective classes aren’t a waste of time

College elective credits can seem pointless, but these classes are actually turning us into the well-rounded students and people we want to be. 

When looking at our Degree Works online, we mostly focus on the specific classes we’re required to take for our majors, but every so often, our eyes will skim across the electives section. Instead of getting upset about all the extra credits we need, take a minute and think about the good that will come from it. 

These classes can boost our GPA, in turn, making our college experience a little bit easier. Knowing those required classes aren’t the only thing allowing you to graduate, these elective credits can get you a step closer and you might even find something you love. 

Students have taken elective classes and felt really connected to what they learned from them. These elective classes can help you find what you really want to do after college.  

“Students have even switched majors because they connected with that elective subject far more than their original intended major,” writer Michael Kirst said.

Elective classes will keep your semester interesting. Instead of all the required classes in your schedule, you’ll have a mix of something different and interesting in there.

For those more difficult majors, you might end up with a fun dance or art class instead of slaving away with math problems all day. When we have semesters filled with boring or difficult classes, motivation can be hard to come across and it will make the semester harder for you. 

According to an article by College Raptor: “Motivation can be difficult to find if none of your classes interest you. Electives can also offer a mental break from a semester filled with major requirements that are all about the same subject.”

Some elective classes may even help your major; it may not be a required class but is still related. Dixie State University offers tons of elective courses, so it shouldn’t be hard to find one relatively similar to your major. 

An article by Thomas Edison State University suggested to “use this opportunity to explore additional subjects and develop a well-rounded general knowledge of your area of study.” 

We don’t have to take completely random elective classes to get the credit, it can be something we actually want to do which will help our skills towards our major. I’m a media studies major and next semester I have to take a few classes that aren’t required and I chose to take a creative writing and technical writing class. They aren’t classes I have to take, but they will help build my writing skills for my major. 

Elective classes aren’t a bad thing, they will help us become more well-rounded and better students. They don’t have to be a waste either. Take something that interests you, something you’ve wanted to learn more about, you may be shocked by how much you actually enjoy the class. 

Locals protest federal vaccine mandate

St. George locals stood outside St. George Regional Hospital Nov. 20 to protest the new OSHA vaccine mandate for large companies.

In September, President Joe Biden and his administration announced a new upcoming rule that would require large companies to mandate the vaccine or regular COVID-19 testing; however, this rule is temporarily halted by the federal appeals court. This case will likely make its way to the Supreme Court.

One local ongoing protest has been happening outside of St. George Regional Hospital for the past three weekends.

Protesters stood outside the hospital with signs stating “RESPECT PATIENT CHOICE,” “RESIST THEIR ILLEGAL TYRANNY,” “NO JAB NO JOB,” and some signs even compare the vaccine mandate to the holocaust.

Michelle Tanner, St. George City Councilwoman, was in charge of organizing the protests held outside St. George Regional Hospital on Nov. 6 and the protest outside the Intermountain Healthcare hospital in Murray on Nov. 13.

Tanner is a nurse herself and is currently working as an emergency nurse practitioner.

Tanner said: “I’m not against the vax. I am adamantly against the mandate. It is unlawful and unconstitutional. The federal government has zero authority to mandate what goes into our bodies.”

DSU nursing students who currently work inside St. George Regional Hospital have expressed their concerns about the ongoing protests outside the hospital.

“I don’t think the COVID-19 vaccine should be mandated even though I am vaccinated,” said Emily Pate, a senior nursing major from Las Vegas. “We are already in a nursing shortage which will get even worse once the mandate comes into effect. I’m in my preceptorship right now, and the nurse I am following refuses to get the vaccine and said if it comes down to it she would rather quit.”

Tanner agrees the mandate would cause a shortage and the community will lose a lot of great healthcare workers.

“Our community will suffer with the loss of many amazing healthcare workers this month due to the mandate,” Tanner said. “Some who have been practitioners there [for] 25 years are now being fired for making a personal health choice. It’s a terrible situation for a hospital that is already short-staffed going into our busiest season. An unwarranted loss for both the community and healthcare workers.”

Pate said: “Nurses are already stressed and adding even less staff along with the protests, it will just make things worse. Not only is it unsafe for the healthcare workers, but also the patients.”

Dixie State University’s nursing program has had to rework the program around the constant changes happening with the pandemic and new mandates.

DSU’s nursing program is requiring students to receive the COVID-19 vaccination to be enrolled, and the program is not required to provide an alternate clinical experience based on a students’ vaccine preference.

Nursing Department Chair Judy Scott said, “I am just trying to protect my students’ rights, our ability to give them the education that they need, and to give them the clinical experience they need.”

Tanner said as a nurse, she signed a contract, and nowhere in that contract does it state that they would get a vaccine in phase 4 clinical trials with only 1 year of data in humans.

Despite the contract that licensed nurses signed, According to The American Nurses Association and American Organization for Nursing Leadership worked together to implement a new statement for nursing students, “Nursing students who refuse a mandated COVID-19 vaccine could be diss-enrolled.”

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing released a statement that said any licensed nurses who spread any kind of medical misinformation will be disciplined by their board as well as have their license revoked.

Scott said: “Personally we may not like mandates, and many of us don’t, we also understand that we don’t have a choice…I don’t want to force anybody to do anything; however, I can’t give [students] the education they need if we do not follow what the hospital has mandated.”

Scott wants to continue to give her students the best education she can while still following state and hospital COVID-19 rules.

“As a healthcare professional, I believe I have to do all I can do to protect myself and the people I serve as a nurse,” said Scott.

The new halted OSHA law states that businesses with 100 or more employees will be required to follow this protocol by Jan. 4, 2022, or submit to weekly testing.

If requirements are not met, a business will be subject to a penalty of up to $13,653 for each violation of the ETS, and repeat offenders are subject to fine/s of $136,532 per violation. If enacted, The Build Back Better Act would raise the maximum violation fine to about $700,000.

Conservative states have disagreed with this ruling, thus the beginning of the lawsuits against the Biden administration. Twenty-six different states are currently suing the Biden administration over the OSHA mandate. Twenty-six states co-signed four petitions to legally challenge the pandemic-era safety requirements.

The lawsuits against the Biden administration focus on the argument that the vaccine mandate is an overreach of federal power. All 26 states disagree with Biden’s mandate requiring all federal contractors to receive the COVID-19 vaccine by Dec. 5.

The states argue that their workers will quit if the vaccine is mandated, they argue the mandate imposes a greater struggle on supply chains, labor markets and overall will cause disruption in the economy. These lawsuits cause the states to make a big decision, the choice between breaching the employees’ contracts or being in violation of allowing unvaccinated workers to continue their jobs.

However, this is not the case for healthcare workers and federal contractors. Biden’s executive order 14042 states that vaccines are mandatory for healthcare workers and federal contractors, and the extended deadline to be vaccinated is Jan. 18.

The vaccine mandate as well as these lawsuits from 26 states have caused protests to happen all over the state of Utah.

Is taking a gap year right for you?

While college may seem like a step in the right direction, taking a gap year might just save you some trouble.

College is an experience open for anyone who is eager enough to conquer it; however, it might not always be the best decision for every student to jump straight into the hustle and bustle right out of high school.

“There is definitely value [in taking some time off],” General education adviser Nicholas Theis said. “Whether or not [taking time off] is a good or bad idea, I don’t know if I would characterize it as either… What we choose to do with this experience [of taking some time off] is what ultimately makes it a good or bad thing.”

While taking some time away from your education may seem alluring, it does have the potential to negatively affect you in the long run if you are not spending your time wisely. If you are using this break sufficiently, it could help you further your ambitions and career goals you wish to achieve.

Theis said, “Oftentimes, students are coming into the university with the pressure of expectations for a major and a career path and all these things, but they don’t have the life experience needed to know what they like and equally important, what they don’t like.”

Education has the potential to open up various interests you may never have known you had, but some experiences can’t be gained in a classroom.

Theis said: “I would like to compare it to ice cream. If you ask someone who has never had a taste of ice cream, or maybe they’ve had two or three kinds and you ask them their favorite flavor, is that a very good question? We know this would be a terrible question because they have never had the benefit of perspective, and perspective comes from experience.”

In every aspect of life, knowledge of what may peek your interest is key. Whether that be your favorite ice cream flavor or deciding on a career path, you need to have a well-rounded perspective in order to make the most sound decisions for yourself.

Chloe Knight, a sophomore general studies major from St. George, said she thinks it’s a great idea for students to take a break if they deem it necessary for themselves.

“Gap years give students time to prepare for school by working, maybe traveling and by simply allowing themselves extra time to grow up and learn their passions,” Knight said.

Opportunities arise in various aspects of life, and sometimes, taking time off of school to explore those opportunities is exactly what one needs in order to get back into the swing of things when it comes to their education.

While Knight hasn’t taken a gap year, she did defer her first semester of college due to COVID-19 and wasn’t prepared to have her college experience start solely online. She said even though she decided to take a break from schooling for a while, she had no doubts on whether or not she would once again attend school.

Oftentimes, students have this notion in which they won’t get around to coming back to school once taking some time off; however, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, this is the best possible move in order to excel once you decide to go back.

Rebecca Morwood, a junior English major from Victorville, California, said it is a good idea for students to take some time away from their education if times are hard or a break is simply needed.

“I think [taking a break] would be okay if [students] are in a tough situation, [in] need of a break or they go on a mission,” Morwood said.

While college is an opportunity one can experience in life, it is not the only life path that will lead to greater opportunities. Upon taking a break, students can gain knowledge of the outside world by living on their own, spending their time working or even traveling.

Morwood said it probably isn’t the best idea for students who have begun their college journey to decide to take a break before completing classes, especially ones that coincide with one another.

“Don’t [take time off] when you have classes that need to be taken right after one another otherwise you will forget everything you have learned and you are going to struggle once you go back,” Morwood said.

If you are considering taking some time away from your education to follow a different path, it is important for students to get in touch with their adviser and the registration office to make sure the proper procedures are taken. Filling out the leave of absence and scholarship deferment paperwork allows students to have everything in order upon returning to college.

Do what is best for you, whether it is going to college right out of high school, going on a mission, or even taking some time away from school to explore all of your options. You never know what may come out of it.

Social media comes with harms, benefits

It’s time for you to use the internet to become a better you.

There are countless positive aspects of using social media and the internet, but that doesn’t mean we can forget about the harmful effects of it as well. Considering the way you use the internet is going to be the most beneficial way to ensure you are not harming yourself, but rather you are benefiting from what the internet has to offer.

Here is a list of questions to ask yourself about your internet usage:

  • Is this boosting my mood in any way?
  • What type of feeling does the way I use the internet give me?
  • Is this making me become a better me?
  • Am I missing out on life experiences because I am sucked into the internet too often?
  • Is what I am doing on the internet keeping me safe?

Ways to ensure the internet is boosting your mood

Do a social media following cleanse. Unfollow the people you are constantly comparing yourself to and realize this is not good for your mental health. Follow people you relate to and enjoy looking at their posts. If you love cooking, follow chefs on Tik Tok, foodies on Instagram, and bookmark a couple of your favorite food blogs.

James Stein, assistant professor of communication studies, said: “If we approach social media expecting negativity and we interact with negative things, it is going to negatively affect our lives. So if we can actively approach it with a positive mentality that can help affect our lives positively. There are some really good helpful folks on social media platforms who have dedicated a lot of time to exuding positivity. “

Use the internet to connect with and uplift others. Use it to your advantage and create a positive environment for yourself and those you engage with online. Utilizing apps like Zoom, FaceTime and Marco Polo will boost your mood as you are engaging with the people you love.

“Learn to balance your time, kind of take an inventory on yourself and analyze if you’re spending too much time on social media [and] how it is impacting your mental health,” said Holly Linford, part-time instructor of communication studies.

How to know if the internet is bringing you down or lifting you up

Consider how you feel after each time you do a scroll through social media or the internet. Creating a positive atmosphere through your internet usage will make a difference.

“If you find that you are being impacted negatively by looking at all of this negative information on social media then it might be time to back off a little bit and spend your time doing more positive things,” Linford said.

Commenting and spreading positivity through the internet and social media is a way to lift yourself and others up. Think about how you feel when someone comments something nice about you, now do that for others. Be the person who spreads gratitude and kindness through the internet.

“There is data that shows that a lot of what we do in the online space is going to have chemical reactions in our brain related to things like serotonin and dopamine,” Stein said. “Social media provides us with an avenue to help us plan our lives and live in a way that we can actually sort of be the best version of ourselves.”

How can the internet help you become a better you?

There is so much you can learn on the internet, and whether you choose to use this to your advantage or not is purely up to you. Learning how to cook, dance, do math, create jewelry, and even take care of a dog is easier than ever because of the internet. All of these things are expanding your knowledge of life which will, in return, help you become a better you.

“Sometimes you just want to turn your brain off and scroll through social media, but there should also be a time where we are using our social media to learn [and] to gain knowledge and not just using it, but using it correctly,” Stein said.

Becoming a better you is not just about learning more about life but also making more meaningful connections. Bond with people over social media, talk with others about what you are seeing on the internet.

“As a professor, you need to be active on social media and understand the college culture as it relates to social media so that you can connect with your students,” Stein said. “I think as professors connect with their students over things like social media, students will, in return, come to the understanding that social media is an educational tool in many ways.”

There are a plethora of benefits to living in an active online world. You just have to ensure you are using it correctly to gain all the benefits you can.

OPINION | Internet helpful not harmful in academic settings

Technology is integrated into learning more than ever before from elementary school all the way through college and above.

Conflicting research and opinions leave students and parents of young students with more questions than answers, but in my experience, I’ve found that technology in a learning environment has exponential positives which far outweigh the negatives.

Technology and learning coincide in different ways during a typical school day. Interactive simulations, online assignments, online libraries and Zoom classes are just a few of the different ways internet learning is integrated.

A 2018 study of ed-tech programs demonstrated when technology is used to personalize learning to a student’s individualized pace, it “shows enormous promise in improving learning outcomes.”

Educational tech programs use artificial intelligence to adapt to the specific student it teaches. This benefits the student and the teacher because the student can get information the way they understand in a way a teacher couldn’t possibly have enough time to do for every student.

Not only does technology assist teachers in the classroom but at home as well. During the COVID-19 pandemic quarantines, schools were able to continue teaching because of the ability to hold Zoom classes and give online assignments.

Without the internet, anywhere from three months to almost two years would be spent out of school. At home learning through the internet gives the option for those who struggle with sickness or need flexible learning to continue their education in a way that best suits them.

Schools without access to the internet and all of its resources may fall behind the high tech schools but can still offer great education without it. Technology is fairly new to the educational world, so statistics regarding schools without technology and schools with technology aren’t directly correlated to the recent surge in integrating technology from elementary school and beyond.

A majority of the studies focused on younger children in elementary school, but the same applies for higher learning. Discipline online can help college students to minimize the unhealthy aspects of online learning.

In a recent McGraw Hill study, 3,300 U.S. college students were surveyed on technology in education. Four out of five college students say that technology helps them save time, boost grades and improve their education.

On the other hand, technology has its fair share of cons; moderation is key with almost everything in life. Too much interaction with technology as an infant and child can disrupt neurological development.

According to Brooking.edu, “In adolescence and young adulthood, the presence of technology in learning environments has also been associated with (but has not been shown to be the cause of) negative variables such as attention deficits or hyperactivity, feeling lonely, and lower grades.”

In acknowledging those variables, they only associate with technology in the learning environment. With proper instruction from teachers and discipline from students, those variables are no longer associated with technology in the learning environment.

The promise of an interactive learning experience is worth using and teaching discipline to students about keeping technology use in moderation. Educators who understand the correct way to learn with technology are necessary for optimal learning.

Learning discipline in using moderation online also helps students learn the necessary life skill of using discipline even when motivation is low.

According to edsurge.com, “If a kid is experiencing a high-quality personalized learning environment, they’re going to have more agency, stronger grit and a persevering attitude.”

Personalized learning also teaches younger students to take ownership of their learning rather than blending in with the rest of their peers.

Take advantage of the free resources online such as Quizlet, Duolingo and thousands more to maximize your learning.

Motivation tips to successfully finish off the semester

Finals week is readily approaching at Dixie State University and students may be feeling overwhelmed by their to-do lists.

Whether you’re struggling to stay motivated or trying to figure out how to balance studying and socializing, here are some tips to finish out the semester strong.

Create A Study Group

Peer Coach Emma Nielson, a sophomore biomedical science major from Boise, Idaho, said she finds it more fun to work with friends, so she recommends students form study groups with other students in their classes.

According to SpeedyPrep, study groups help to prevent procrastination because when studying alone they can put off studying until the last minute. In a group setting, students have to meet at a certain time and come prepared to contribute during the session.

Make a Checklist

When students are overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to complete, it can be difficult to figure out where to start. Peer coach Frankie Medina, a sophomore English major from Los Angeles, said making checklists is her go-to step when conquering a long list of tasks.

“I love making to-do lists because I love checking things off, it makes me feel good about myself,” Medina said.

Checking off items on your to-do list can give you a perspective of what you’ve already accomplished and inspire you to finish what still needs to be done.


While it is important to devote time to study and complete assignments or projects, you still need to allocate time to relax and socialize.

Entertainment Events Director Kennedy Thurgood, a senior recreation and sport management major from Clearfield, said staying social helps her to relieve stress. According to Medical News Today, socializing not only helps to reduce stress levels, but also aids in memory and recall skills.

For students looking to spend time outside of their dorms, Thurgood shared two events: Country Swing Dancing on Nov. 19 and Bob Ross Paint Night on Dec. 3. For the swing dancing event, Thurgood said there will be churros, apple cider and the Heart of Country Swing will be in attendance to teach students how to swing dance.

Look To The Future

It is easy for students to get caught up in the difficulty of the current semester that they lose sight of their long-term goals. Medina recommends that students reflect on what they are hoping to achieve during the process of earning their degree.

“Focus on what you’re working towards,” Medina said.

Whether you are focused on getting your dream job after graduation or you are simply trying to finish your first semester at DSU, keep in mind how your hard work now is going to pay off in the future.

Pay Attention To Your Mental Health

Juggling coursework and exams can place a strain on your mental health and if you’re not mentally well, it can be hard to focus on completing your assignments. As a Peer Coach, Nielsen tells her students to visit The Booth Wellness Center to seek help from counselors if they are struggling with their mental health.

“Sometimes it’s nice to just talk it out with somebody,” Nielsen said.

According to the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, mental health issues can impact a student’s energy levels, ability to concentrate, and outlook on life.

“You put so much work into the semester, so it’s just best to finish out strong,” Nielsen said.

While the end of the semester may bring up anxiety or panic for students, it is important to take a deep breath and realize you are more than capable of finishing the semester on a positive note. Remember there are plenty of other students who can relate to what you are going through, so you are not alone.

A Southern Utah staple: Red Rock Canyon Thanksgiving

A 48-year long community tradition serves free Thanksgiving meals to anyone who attends.

The event will occur Nov. 25 where food will be served from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Simply show up at Red Rock Canyon School located at 747 E. St. George Blvd.

Food will be available to-go or if you would like to experience a community meal, sit and enjoy the food at Red Rock Canyon School.

Event founder Frank Habibian said: “There is a lot of positive feeling here. No. one: Be a servant to other people, that’s the most important part. Second: We bring the people united together as one… it’s just no different than any big family.”

The event started by Habibian serving friends and neighbors in his own home. The event outgrew his home and Red Rock Canyon School has been the new location for the community Thanksgiving for 22 years.

People come from Salt Lake City, Arizona, Nevada and southern Utah for this event.

“If you come to my place you eat as much as you want, and then you take home as much as you want,” Habibian said.

Habibian’s family, members of the community, and local stores have worked together throughout the years to achieve the accomplishment of serving 2,500-3,000 people each Thanksgiving.

Sherman Hibibian, Frank’s son, said:” We have a ton of people that help donate. A man by the name of Dave Wilkey, he donates 20-40 turkeys every year.”

Stephen Wade, Croshaw’s Gourmet Pies, Village Inn, Denny’s, Costco, Lin’s and Harmons also assist by donating food or funds. All leftover costs are funded by Frank Hibibian.

“I want to make sure everybody knows, I am not the super star, I’m just the cause,” Frank said. “It is really a community coming together as one.”

Preparation begins at the end of July every year and continues until Thanksgiving day. Preparation starts by sending Emails and planning where to get food and supplies.

Melanie Hibibian, Frank’s wife, said: “The hardest part of this year is the many items we need that are in shortages from the pandemic. I’ve looked all over town for plastic tablecloths but no one has them.”

Each year, the fire department and the health department check to make sure the location is safe and ready for the thousands of people.

Each year there are around 150-200 volunteers who help with setting up, cleaning and cooking. There are always more opportunities to serve at the event.

Dixie State University students attend and volunteer every year. For students who aren’t going home for Thanksgiving this event is the opportunity to get a traditional Thanksgiving meal. DSU Student Association is also holding a drive-thru Thanksgiving meal today in the Hazy parking lot free for students at 7:30 p.m.

Frank told DSU students, “Come to serve or come to eat, just come over anytime you want with whoever you want.”

To get more information about volunteering, call Sherman Habibian at 435-229-7091.

Budgeting: Learn how to manage your money

By: Daniella Centeno

Budgeting is essential when learning how to manage money in college and away from home. 

Every student at Dixie State University is in a different financial situation whether they are married with a double income and a house payment, or are single and living on their own working through the school year. Budgeting skills are a necessity that students can acquire while being either full-time or part-time students.

Kaplan Sanders, assistant professor of finance, said: “We’re flying in the dark unless we have a budget. You know what I mean, we don’t really know what we’re spending money on so it’s hard to make decisions on how we want to spend our money.”

Budgeting is important to learn because it helps you keep track of spending, learn how to be disciplined, and how to plan and manage your money. 

Testing Center Director Tamron Lee said: “Early on, you do sometimes have to be flexible and adjust it [budget]. Sometimes an unexpected expense will come up and you’ll have to find a way to rearrange your budget so that they just can’t be rigid.”

Being prepared for the unexpected means one must plan for every possible scenario that can happen. You never know what financial surprises you will run into in college whether it be personal or academic wise. 

“Yes, budgeting helps me a lot,” said Ibrahim Bah, a junior business major from Conakry, Guinea. “Having a monthly and yearly budget helps me know how to spend my money wisely. It puts me at ease knowing I am not going to spend all my money in one semester and makes me aware of what I spend my money on.”

Keeping track of a budget in college is essential to learning how to spend money on personal items as well as school items. More importantly, it is an essential skill in your life that you can carry on with later on in life. Budgeting helps with maintaining discipline money-wise and makes us more aware of how you spend your money. Falling into debt is one of the big nuances a student can get trapped into.

“Finance 1750 is a great class, that’s a class where we spend a lot of time budgeting [as] a part of it,” Sanders said. “It’s how you get to that trip that you’re wanting to go on or to eating out or to that concert. A budget gets you there, it’s a plan, it’s a spending plan.” 

If any students are interested in learning more about how to manage their finances and budget effectively then they are encouraged to join finance 1750 with Kaplan Sanders next semester. Students will benefit from taking this class as a way to help them get a head start on their budget planning.