Utah Tech women’s golf team concludes fall season, prepares for spring

The Utah Tech University women’s golf team concluded its fall season Oct. 25, and here’s everything you need to know about it.

The Trailblazers’ fall season consisted of four collegiate tournaments that provided more experience for the young team.

“I am happy with how this fall [season] went overall,” said Lindsey Stucki, head women’s golf coach. “We showed we are capable of some low scores and were able to shoot some record scores.”

New faces

Gina Higbee, assistant women’s golf coach, joined the Trailblazers Aug. 22 for the upcoming season. Higbee played collegiate golf at both Idaho State University and Utah Valley University. 

Higbee brought a wealth of golf knowledge to the team and has a variety of coaching experience including leading Lone Peak High School to three state championships. 

Along with a new assistant coach, four new athletes made an appearance at the Utah Valley University Hobble Creek Classic season-opener. 

These new athletes were:

  • Brooke Gelinas, a freshman population health major from Bonney Lake, Washington
  • Corinne Lillywhite, a freshman biology major from Eugene, Oregon
  • Aubree Johnson, a sophomore communication studies major from Uintah
  • Jane Olson, a freshman general studies major from American Fork

Olson said the upperclassmen took the freshmen under their wings to ensure an easy transition and bond as a team. 


The motto for the team this year is “we, not me,” reminding the Trailblazers to encourage each other to play their best.

The Trailblazers also proved they were capable of shooting low scores during the fall season.

During the Eastern Washington Eagle Invitational, Abby Livingston, a senior healthcare administration major from Novi, Michigan, was able to pick up four birdie putts to tie for No. 10 overall and posted her third career top-10 finish. 

Along with the team’s performance, the chemistry was also enhanced to result in a better experience for the athletes. Olsens said the team consists of driven, hard-working individuals that get along very well. 

“We work together and push each other to get better,” Olson said. “We’re super supportive and want to see each other succeed. We all have the ability to play great golf and we know that.”

What’s next?

“The fall results give us good feedback about how we can improve individually and as a team,” Olsen said. “We all know what we need to work on to be ready for the spring.”

The Trailblazers are looking forward to taking advantage of the southern Utah weather and will continue working through the winter to refine their game.

Olsen said the team plans on prioritizing their health and continuing to work in the weight room to be in the best shape mentally and physically for the spring. 

Stucki said: “I think we are on the right track when it comes to the things we are working on at practice. We spend a lot of time on putting and short game, and this is improving with all the ladies. We are going to spend some time working on the mental side of the game during our off-season.”

Livingston said the team is extremely motivated and is aware of the potential they have to win.

Utah Tech’s women’s golf team will begin its spring season Feb. 6 at the California State University Bakersfield Valley Invitational, followed by the Utah Tech Zupas Trailblazer Invitational Feb. 13 at Green Springs golf course. 

Remembering the legacy of Odyssey’s “Thriller” at Tuacahn

The end is near for Odyssey Dance Theatre’s “Thriller.”

“Thriller” is a Halloween show put on every year for the last 26 years. It showcases talented dancers from all over the state. Some characters in the show include Frankenstein’s Monsters, Chucky dolls and Annabelle. That’s right multiple Annabelle dolls coming after you make for a thrilling show. Many scares and laughs have been shared and will be missed.

Odyssey founder and artistic director Derryl Yeager and his wife, costume designer/costume production director Cheryl Yeager, are the creators of the sold-out show “Thriller.”

In 1994 they wanted to provide a community for dancers to stay in their home state while becoming dancers for a professional dance company. Yeager and his wife brought many dancers’ memories to be cherished forever. They will be moving on to a new chapter in their life and this will conclude the last season of “Thriller.”

Utah Tech University’s very own Odyssey dance alumni, Aaron Meadows is one of these dancers. Meadows is now the director of Utah Tech’s campus store. He trained with Odyssey dance company starting in 2001. He then got to perform in “Thriller” each season being many different characters and learning almost all of the dance routines at some point in his career. His favorite acts include, “Frankenstein and Frankenstein” and “Thriller Bear.”

Meadows had many performances but his all-time favorite “Thriller” performance was when he had to go on for the “river and blood” dance shirtless because the main actor was out, and Meadows was the replacement. This happened at one of the shows early on when “Thriller” was just starting and only toured high schools and Kingsbury Hall. Meadows has been in it from the start and has seen the show progress from the beginning.

Kingsbury Hall was one of Meadow’s favorite places to perform since it was his dream from the start to see himself on that stage. Getting to finally perform on stage and not just in the audience was a dream come true for him.

“Thriller helped me grow up,” Meadows said.

Meadows, being an Odyssey dance alumni, has seen the success the Yeagers brought to many dancers. With starting a professional company so young, he got to learn to be on his own while having the show be his way of living life. “Thriller” gave Meadows friendships and the start of his new life on his own.

“I’m happy for the next chapter, but it’s sad for the rest of us,” Meadows said.

Seeing the “end is near” written up on the stage at the last “Thriller” performance set the audience up to live in the last moments. This show means a lot to not just dancers but families all across the state. The scares and laughs are happening one last time Oct. 31st on Halloween night at St. George’s very own Tuacahn Center for the Arts amphitheater.

Brindee Heaton, a dancer from St. George, has danced in the show “Thriller” since 2015. She first started as a young dancer in the “Chucky” act then worked her way up to now play the part of a zombie. Heaton is still currently a dancer in the show at Tuacahn and has loved playing the part of a zombie.

“My all-time favorite part about performing in the show is all the scaring I get to do as a zombie,” Heaton said.

She loves interacting with the audience and making the show come to life. “Thriller” is a fantastic performance and getting the interaction from the dancers up close even just in the aisles is what makes Thriller unforgettable.

“Whenever I am backstage watching the show, I am always amazed by how every act brings Halloween to life,” Heaton said.

The mummies, zombies, Frankenstein, scarecrows, and Bubbles the clown will be getting a rest after showcasing this classic production for 26 years. Many scares and laughs have been shared but will not be forgotten.

Utah Tech sports meet Halloween

Are you wondering how Utah Tech University student-athletes celebrate Halloween?

Hank Dodson, a junior accounting major from Summerfield, North Carolina

What was your best Halloween costume?

My best Halloween costume was the mermaid man from SpongeBob. My best friend and fellow
teammate, Chase, dressed up as Barnacle Boy; we went as that last year for our team

How are you celebrating Halloween this year?

This year I’m handing out candy at the Utah Tech trunk or treat with the team, dressed up in
western wear and playing in the annual dress-up scrimmage.

What is your favorite Halloween tradition?

My favorite Halloween tradition is definitely the dress up scrimmage. It’s a lot of fun to see
everyone trying to play in their costumes and see all the different costumes.

Do teams celebrate together? How?

All the sports teams get together for the trunk or treat to hand out candy to the kids, each team
has a different theme. In past years, the baseball team has been cops and robbers, Hawaiian theme, etc.

Blake Hofheins, a freshman pre-med major from Salem

What was your best Halloween costume?

I would say my ninja costume was my best costume.

How are you celebrating Halloween this year?

This year I’ll be celebrating Halloween with the boys on the team. Not exactly what we will do yet, but it might be crazy.

What is your favorite Halloween tradition?

My favorite Halloween tradition is definitely passing out candy back home with my family.

Jack Walker, a junior design major from Cedar Hills

What was your best Halloween costume?

Best costume: chick magnet

How are you celebrating Halloween this year?

I will be celebrating at my parents’ house for the annual chili and scones party my mom throws. Then after, I’ll have to make an appearance at the baseball Halloween party.

Celebrating with the team?

We celebrate as a team every year by playing a “dress up scrimmage” where we all show up to
the field in costumes and play a game against each other. It’s always one of the last
scrimmages of the fall and never disappoints seeing everyone’s ideas.

What is your favorite Halloween tradition?

My favorite Halloween tradition is chili and scones with my family and friends. Growing up, my house was the spot for everyone to go because there was endless food and drinks.

Kaleb Hatch, a sophomore business marketing major from El Paso, Texas

What was your best Halloween costume?

My favorite Halloween costume was when I dressed up as a football player as a kid.

How are you celebrating Halloween this year?

I will be celebrating with some of my teammates and their spouses.

What is your favorite Halloween tradition?

I absolutely love candy so trick-or-treating was always my favorite.

Do teams celebrate together? How?

Yes, teams celebrate together. Especially after big wins. For us, it involves lots of music and

OPINION | CHAOS 2022 did not disappoint

The Halloween season is one of my favorite times with so many fun opportunities to celebrate.

I try to do as many activities to get in the holiday spirit, and this year CHAOS did not disappoint the Halloween lover and dancer in me.

Utah Tech Student Association held its annual CHAOS dance Oct. 29. With the Foam Dance starting off rocky and having to be re-done the next day, I was nervous, yet hopeful, that CHAOS would have a better outcome. Luckily, it did.

I thoroughly enjoyed my whole time at CHAOS this year.

One of the first stand-outs of the night was that the line to enter the dance was not exceptionally long when I got there. I waited maybe five minutes before being able to scan my ticket and head in. The security team looked each person over with the hand-held scanners, and I was quickly off to dance the night away.

Another thing I was not expecting when walking into the event was actually being scared by an actor. While I was focused on waiting for my friends to get through security, there was an actor right on the side of me creepily bent over a structure. I genuinely jumped back in fright when I turned to walk to the dance floor and saw the actor there with their clown makeup done perfectly. From that moment on, I knew that this year UTSA had stepped up to the plate to make CHAOS a night to remember.

Thanks to a fantastic DJ, I was able to dance the night away. This DJ was not lacking any great songs in his discography. In fact, his song selection was so perfect for the night, I never wanted to take a water break, as I didn’t want to miss any fun songs. He remembered that being a DJ meant mixing and layering songs, not just playing a playlist, which allowed the dance to continue to feel fresh and for the songs to change before the crowd got bored of them. This DJ was even able to make dancing to the YMCA fun.

There were three times that people in the crowd had to get medical attention, but the DJ was great at pausing the dance to get help without the rest of the crowd losing interest.

In addition to the dancing aspect of the night, there was also a plethora of booths with carnival games, a haunted alley, a fortune teller and a food truck. Even if you aren’t the dancing type, there were still opportunities for fun to be had.

I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun I had at CHAOS this year. Not one time did I want to leave the dance early. This was a great addition to my Halloween festivities, and I can’t wait to see how UTSA is going to continue to improve its dances in order to keep bringing this amount of fun to the students.

‘Rollzers’: Utah Tech student-athlete creates popular apparel among students

On the diamond and off, a student-athlete at Utah Tech University has found a unique way of creating his own gems to stay involved.

Jack Walker, a junior design major from American Fork, has been able to connect with other students while selling his own school apparel. 

In the fall of 2021, Walker and his dad created Juice Box Clothing. Through this business, Walker has been able to use his talents in graphic design to receive support from other students and athletes and create a name for himself at the university.  

What is Juice Box Clothing?

Although considered a “small side hustle,” Juice Box Clothing was created to make connections with others while doing what Walker loves. 

“It’s just a cool thing for me to keep myself involved,” Walker said. “I think it’s a cool platform to be able to say I’m a student-athlete trying to create stuff for everyone on campus.” 

Through his business, buyers can purchase school apparel in the form of shirts, hoodies, hats and stickers. 

With each of his designs, Walker implements the popular school hand signal that forms a bison head, the phrase “rollzers” and his business logo: a juice box. 

Photo from Jack Walker’s Instagram showcasing one of his hoodies he has created with his brand Juice Box Clothing.

His business title was created through his nickname “juice”, and after playing around with a few names, Walker landed on “Juice Box Clothing.”

Walker also said “rollzers” was a combination of an athletic saying “roll” as well as “trailblazers.” 

As for the hand symbol, “It was just kind of an athlete thing at first, and then we kept seeing more and more people do it,” Walker said. “Now it’s the hand signal for the school.”

What are the goals and inspirations of the business?

Since creating the hand signal to celebrate game victories, Walker began to see the motion more around campus which inspired him to create his business. 

“Seeing it spread just kind of sparked the idea that I could start something with the hand logo and try to sell my own version of school spirit stuff,” Walker said. 

After throwing around the phrase “rollzers” at a few of his games, Walker’s teammates began to say the phrase too, which eventually led to other sports teams on campus implementing this new word into their vocabulary. 

Walker said his goals for his business are to keep students involved in supporting athletics through his apparel. 

Through trendsetting and working hard to bring his business to life, Walker has gained support from his teammates, fans and peers. 

Walker’s teammate Chase Rodriguez, a junior applied sociology major from Las Vegas, said: “I want Jack’s business to explode within the school. I think everyone could be wearing it because it promotes the idea of students supporting students, and it’s something for our entire school to grow from.”

What are the highs and lows of being a business owner? 

Walker said owning his own business has its ups and downs with one of the highs being that he receives support from other students. 

Kjirsten McOmber, a freshman nursing major from Orem, said Walker sold her a shirt at the beginning of the year and asked her for advice in bettering his business. 

“He is a student, and he’s asking for my feedback and wants to improve on it, so I wanted to support him,” McOmber said. “Not only that, but the shirt has been really cool to wear just because it’s such different merch.”

Besides the support, Walker has faced some hardships when it comes to designing his apparel differently from the university’s. 

Athletics Graphic Director Tanner Hollien said there are legal rules that Walker must keep in mind when creating and selling his designs such as where he sells them and what fonts and logos he can use.

“I’m just going to keep doing my own thing and follow all the rules, but one of my biggest things I’m pushing for is for others to support me as a student-athlete in my own small business,” Walker said.

What can fans expect to see for the future of the business?  

“Now that the hand logo is big and people are repping it, I’ll definitely just start doing more of the hand stuff and more phrases that we come up with on the apparel,” Walker said. 

Buyers can also expect to see more “unique” apparel that students will not be able to find anywhere else. 

Although Juice Box Clothing does not have a website or storefront, they do have an Instagram where buyers can direct message Walker to order his merchandise. 

“I would love to keep getting student support and buyers because I feel like that’s what this is all about,” Walker said. “I think it’s pretty cool to just have things growing in your school’s culture that is student-to-student.”

To support Walker and his student-run business, anyone can purchase his apparel by contacting him through Instagram.

OPINION | Halloween traditions are not overrated, they never get old

Just because you are getting older as the years pass, Halloween doesn’t and you can never be too old to enjoy the happy Halloween traditions.

As a kid, I remember always looking forward to the week of Halloween. My elementary school would always have events planned the entire week before the holiday. This included Halloween arts and crafts such as: painting pumpkins, frosting haunted sugar cookies, contests of coloring pages, and more. I also remember doing other games such as wrapping my friends in toilet paper to make them look like a mummy.

The best part was at the end of the week, on Halloween, everyone would dress up in their fun and outrageous costumes. I distinctly remember one costume that lives rent free in my head. One of the kids in my class dressed up as a sumo wrestler and had to fill up his costume with air.

Although the unpopular opinion says only children really enjoy the activities of Halloween, and well that is partly true, there are still events that are fun for all ages to enjoy.

As a college student, my roommates and I love holidays and are always looking for fun ideas for group activities and dates. Some of my favorites include pumpkin carving, pumpkin painting, bake and frost Halloween cookies, haunted corn mazes and haunted houses.

At Utah Tech University, every year there is a college Halloween Party called Chaos. It is an event college students can attend and dress up as whatever they decide with friends and enjoy a fun-filled night of dancing and partying. This year it is glow-in-the-dark themed, and there will be activities to enjoy other than the spooky dance floor. Students attending can enjoy the oxygen bar, reptile showings and mini golf.

Every year the Odyssey Dance Theater presents the Thriller for ages of eight and up, through a variety of dance styles and showcases famous horror characters such as zombies, Frankensteins, mummies and more. This is the last time to enjoy the show as they will be closing the doors to this show forever after the last performance on Halloween night.

Adults can enjoy a night out with friends and throw a party as well, dressing up as different characters and even themes including: Monster mash, Willy Wonka, Murder Mystery, Glow-in-the-dark, Superheroes and sidekicks, Hollywood, Harry Potter and many more.

Adults that have kids can relive the memories and activities, they were involved in during their childhood and take their kids trick or treating around the neighborhood, trunk or treat at the local church or school, and dress up in fun family costumes or costumes that excite their kids.

Halloween provides many opportunities for fun get-togethers of all ages and therefore proves that the holiday is not overrated. Halloween allows people to enjoy dressing up as something they enjoy and celebrate their interests.

There are many different fun and exciting ideas to enjoy your Halloween weekend, showing that the fun doesn’t end as you get older.

Utah Tech football plans to start a different quarterback against Stephen F. Austin

The Utah Tech University football team will travel to Homer Bryce Stadium in Nacogdoches, Texas, for its next conference game and will start its third different quarterback this season.

Quarterback situation

With the struggle of having three different quarterbacks started in the past three weeks, head coach Paul Peterson and the coaching staff have been working on finding the best way to put up a good fight against Stephen F. Austin State University.

Peterson said the quarterback position is special, especially in the offense it is running. The team is facing conflicts with potentially having to play four different quarterbacks in one season.

“That is where we are at right now with Kobe going down last week obviously and then Boone having that good first drive and a good week of practice, we emphasized a lot of things for him,” Peterson said. “We spent a lot of time getting him ready for that game.”

Peterson said he feels bad for Boone, “he was pretty upset when he went down with that injury.”

The Trailblazers plan to start Victor Gabalis, a redshirt freshman business management major from Everett, Washington, in its next game against SFA, due to the previous injuries of Boone Abbott and Kobe Tracy.

Gabalis started the season opener against Sacramento State University, and will have another opportunity to anticipate the team’s second win of the season.

“Vic’s our guy, and Vic’s had plenty of opportunities this season to lead our team, and that’s who we’re going with right now,” Peterson said.

Trailblazers’ focus against SFA

In the last match-up between the Utah Tech University Trailblazers and Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks, the Trailblazers lost 37-20 at the Greater Zion Stadium.

“We’ve had a few games where it has been close at the end, and we haven’t been able to finish, so we are definitely emphasizing that,” Peterson said.”We’re determined to work past some of the struggles we’ve had late in those games to win.”

Peterson said the team has been working and stressing in their practice to consistently compete well at a higher level.

“Stephen F. is the next game up. We are game planning for their offense and defense more, so it’s just for us to execute consistently at a high level,” Peterson said.

Success hopeful to come sooner than later

Peterson said he has never done this transition before with going from Division II to Division I Football Championship Subdivision, and it is a challenge with things the team has to overcome, be patient with and build.

Peterson said: “We are doing a really good job of building a foundation with our guys. We are playing a lot of young guys, and they have really good energy and bleed what we are trying to accomplish, and they see the progress. We are waiting for that win to help propel the program and help propel these guys, give them a little bit of success.”

Peterson said the team is working hard, and the success is going to come, hopefully, sooner than later.

As the team overcomes the struggles of the quarterback position, the team will focus on conquering the challenge of being able to finish the close games against SFA Oct. 29.

A list of things you need to do to celebrate Halloween

I know what you’re thinking, hiking the red rocks isn’t spooky. Well, there’s more to do in St. George besides hiking especially for the spooky season.

Between going to a farm, a family fun center, attending Chaos, going to a scarecrow walk or simply staying in, there are several ways you can celebrate Halloween in southern Utah.

Here are five things around town you can do to get in the spooky mood for Oct. 31.


If you don’t know what Chaos is, you’re either a freshman or a transfer student because Chaos is one of the biggest nights of the year at Utah Tech University. There is something for everyone to enjoy with an oxygen bar, haunted alley, dance floor and more.

Benjamin Welch, a senior marketing major from Las Vegas, said: “Chaos is the wildest party of the year, whether you want to be scared in the haunted alley, or party the night away on the dance floor, there is something for everyone. We have a costume contest, oxygen bar and spooky carnival to fill your night with the best of halloween vibes.”

Both students and non-students are welcomed at this annual Halloween party. Those in attendance are encouraged to dress up in a costume to add to the spooky season spirit and possibly win the contest.

On the Utah Tech Student Association Instagram, the Chaos survival guide says no bags, masks or weapons are allowed. Also, once you’re in, you’re in. There will be no reentry. You can purchase student and non-student tickets online.

Staheli Family Farm

You can’t go through fall time in St. George without going to Staheli Family Farm. The farm has been around for 21 years providing locals and visitors with a variety of attractions for all ages and groups.

  • Corn maize
  • Field of Screams
  • Pumpkin patch
  • Farmland
  • Food
  • Witches
  • Cow train
  • Petting Zoo
  • Campfire

You can go as a family, friend group or even make it a date night. If you plan on walking through the Field of Screams, you’re going to want a cute date to hold on to. There’s nothing like going to a farm to get into the fall and Halloween spirit.

You can purchase tickets online at a variety of prices from $14-$35. The farm is located at
3400 S. Washington Fields Road Washington, UT 84780.

Family Fear Center Fiesta Fright

This name seems awfully familiar, doesn’t it? That’s because it’s St. George’s Fiesta Fun Center but reimagined in a Halloween way. Even though it is a family center, you can’t bring your children under 7-years-old. The Halloween portion of the center is recommended for those 13-years-old and up. So, it’s a perfect event for college students to have a night free of children running around.

If you’re too scared to attend, don’t worry, the actors can’t touch you, but they will scare you.

There aren’t many places in St. George that are open past 10 p.m., but Fiesta Fright is open on Friday and Saturday until midnight. Tickets are available online from $15.95 to $19.95.

Scarecrow Walk & Haunted Canyon

If you’re too scared to go to through a haunted house, this is the perfect option for you. And, this can still be a great date night, friend group event and family outing.

According to Greater Zion, “This free, family-friendly event will feature several scarecrow displays from various local organizations in addition to a haunted canyon decorated with skeletons, spiders and other creepy things”

This event includes scarecrows decorated by local businesses and creators, so you may even spot your favorite local shop along the walkway. With a different scarecrow on every corner, you’re sure to find some spooky, cute and creative ones that speak to you.

It’s fun to stay in too

Home bodies can also have fun celebrating, preparing and getting in the spirit for Halloween. Pinterest is stacked with at-home Halloween celebration ideas.

  • Make a pot of chili with a side of cornbread
  • Decorate cupcakes and cookies
  • Create a Halloween playlist for your own dance party
  • Make slime
  • Watch Halloween movie classics

There’s so much to do around Halloween to get in the spirit, and if you don’t like Halloween, you can still cozy up and prepare for Christmas, which is right around the corner.

Top 5 best horror movies of 2022

October is almost over and with Halloween right around the corner, we are in peak horror movie season.

Whether you’re looking for a thrilling, bone-chilling movie, fun night with friends or simply a good movie to watch, there’s something for everyone. There have been plenty of horror movies released this year, some have hit the horror movie standards to a tee, and others have missed it by a mile.

#5 “Scream (2022)”

Now, I’ll be honest with you, “Scream (2022)” was not my favorite movie. It was a nod to the classic series that seems to be never ending much like the Halloween movies. The ratings; however, don’t lie. With an 82% audience rating, it was loved by most. It brings back the nostalgia of the old movies; showing the producers aren’t afraid to call back to the past in a unique way. Going onto the fifth movie, though, you can tell the franchise is working harder than ever to keep the series alive.

25-years after a streak of brutal murders shocks the residents of Woodsboro; a new killer has donned the Ghostface mask and resumes that streak. “Scream (2022)” is smart, but it lacks a heroine and a plot capable of making the audience scream. As the series comes full circle, it’s easy to compare it to past movies and find the thrill lackluster.

We live in an era of remakes where we see almost all of our childhood movies being brought back to life in a different way. Some movies, though, should stay in the past. While “Scream (2022)” won’t go down in history for being a great horror movie, it is undeniably laughable and that is enough to make the movie worth watching.

#4 “The Black Phone”

“The Black Phone”, released on June 24, 2022, is a must-watch for any fan of horror. With a thrilling plot, it will keep you on the edge of your seat. When a shy, young boy is kidnapped and thrown in the basement of a sadistic killer, he discovers he can hear his past victims through the phone on the wall. If that alone isn’t enough to garner your interest, are you really a horror fan? Critics and audience alike both loved it enough to gain an 82% from critics and an 88% from audience on Rotten Tomatoes.

While the movie had amazing cinematography and terrific acting, it did kind of rush into things. We don’t get to simmer in the suspense at the beginning wondering what’s going to happen. We’re only given a short introduction and backstory of the main character, Finney, and then thrown right into the thick of it.

While it had the physical scares of any horror movie, “The Black Phone” went even further and tapped into psychological horror by tapping into all of our most primal fears. The realism this movie involves of being kidnapped and held captive in a basement is already scary enough to most of us, but then they go and add in fictional horror as well.

If you’re looking for a good, thrilling movie to spend your Halloween night watching, this is definitely a good option.

#3 “Barbarian”

Released on Sept. 9, 2022, “Barbarian” is an unpredictable, chilling movie that is sure to give you a thrill. Starring our favorite clown from the movie, “IT”, Bill Skarsgård makes another comeback into the horror world.

“Barbarian”, just like “The Black Phone”, taps into some of our more primal fears in life. When a young woman rents an AirBNB on her way to a job interview, she doesn’t expect to see anyone else there. Especially not a strange man who claims they got double-booked for the night. While that may turn anyone away from the small house, she doesn’t have anywhere else to go, so what choice does she have? No one could know there’s much more dwelling in the small house than a strange man.

I’d say the less you know about this movie, the better, but prepare yourself for an ending that might shock you. As soon as you think you’ve got it figured out, the movie turns the completely different direction. There’s a never-ending thrill sure to give you some whiplash from all the twists and turns.

With a 92% critic rating and 70% audience rating, this one isn’t as popular with people as other films. The way the movie is filmed might be a cause for an audience turn-away, but if you stick with it, it’s sure to be worth it. With good acting, great camera work and lighting, this movie will offer a slow-burn thriller capable of giving you a great movie night with your friends come Halloween night.

#2 “X”

“X”, released March 18, 2022, offers a great spin on a classic slasher movie. Based in 1979, a group of young filmmakers find shelter with an elderly couple in rural Texas. With the goal of creating an adult film, this group of filmmakers don’t expect to fight for their lives after the couple hosting them discovers what they are doing.

While “X” isn’t every horror fan’s typical movie to turn to, it’s unique and definitely won’t bore you. It’s a daring movie filled with unexpected twists and horrifying realizations. The cinematography does an excellent job of capturing the ’70s aesthetic without making it seem too fake. It effortlessly fits into the decade and even feels like a nod to past classics like “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”.

If you’re looking for a thrilling, edge-of-your-seat, gruesome movie, this is the one for you. It won’t be what you’re expecting. That’s what most people have thought about the movie, garnering only a 75% audience rating. If you put your expectations aside, though, you may be pleasantly surprised and enjoy a good, original slasher movie.

#1 “Smile”

Coming in at #1 on my list of horror movies of 2022 brings “Smile”, released Sept. 30, 2022. If you’re into slow-burn, deeply unsettling movies, you are sure to leave this movie with a smile. Within the exploration of deep-seated trauma, “Smile” delves into a psychological horror sure to leave you shaking in your seat. This movie is capable to getting into your head and staying there.

After witnessing a bizarre, traumatic event with a patient, Dr. Rose Cotter starts experiences terrifying occurrences she can’t find an explanation to. As her fear worsens, she’s forced to confront trauma from her past in order to survive and escape her horrifying reality.

Complete with incredible cinematography and excellent acting, “Smile” is a movie that will shock you with twists you won’t see coming. It’s definitely a movie you’ll want to pay attention to in order to understand, but it will be so worth it at the end. Coming in at a 78% audience rating and 79% critic rating, it’s hard not to get sucked into the plot of this sinister world.

This fast-paced movie offers no peace throughout the almost two-hour long film. You will be on the edge of your seat and leaned so far back into the cushion to get away from the horrors of the screen. If you’re looking for a truly terrifying movie to get sucked into on Halloween, this is the one to watch.