Dixie Health and Wellness Receives $10,000 for National Recovery Month

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During National Recovery Month: Dixie’s Health & Wellness Center has just received a $10,000 grant to help and support students with addictions or health disorders.<I like this lead but I would like you to focus on just National Recovery Month and then bring up the grant later on. Try to be more creative with this lead, it sounds like a news lead. 

The coordinator of Health and Wellness Center, Barbara Johnson, <AP rule of titles, long titles go after name and lower cased said told DixieSunNews that the Health and Wellness Center was just given received a $10,000 recovery program grant, from the Transforming Youth Recovery, in order to start helping students who use drugs, alcohol, or have any other mental health problems. New paragraph “We have this grant none other than to help students go into recovery and have a place for them to feel safe.”<attribution?

Sue Judd<comma who is the Health and Wellness Center’s recovery counselor said also told DixieSun that, “there are a lot of really good things happening this year at the Wellness Center. [Now with the $10,000 grant] there will be more programs available for students to get more professional group or individual help on many issues. This includes drugs, alcohol, stress, anxiety, mental health, behavioral conditions, eating disorders and much more.”<put the attribution after the first sentence since this is a long quote 

What a better time to get this grant during National Recovery month.<This is kind of repetitive, try for a better transition (: Logan Reid<comma who is a sociology professor at Dixie and who also is the Director at the Southwest Behavioral Health Center says<change to said that “recovery month is a celebration of the truthful 1 out of 5<AP rules of numbers, spell out one through nine adults in the U.S. who have a mental behavioral illness, or emotional disorders. These include the nearly 21.6 million people aged 12 or older that are classified with a substance dependence or misuse disorders. National Recovery Month is designed to increase awareness of overall health and how anyone can prevent illness, get effective treatment, and recover from these mental and/or substances or disorders.” <put attribution after first sentence since this is a long quote 

Sue Judd says,<change to said and no comma “this month there is a big push on recovery awareness, anyone can get help. That’s what National Recovery Months is all about, celebrating people’s recovery, strengths, weakness, perseverance, success and goals. You see all over town an on the radio with the Red Ribbon Recovery where someone says ‘Hi my name is __ and I am recovering from _ ’. <I don’t think this is really quote worthy, I would just paraphrase. 

According to Professor Logan,Reid said “the greatest benefit of National Recovery Month is the impact it has on breaking down negative stigmas. Recovery Month makes a bold statement that prevention works, that treatment is effective, and that people can-and-do recover. It reminds us that there is nothing shameful or embarrassing about that process. My hope is that the events associated with this recovery month will remind students that it’s okay to reach out for help, and that there is always hope; Recovery happens.”<again, you don’t have to have everything in quotes. Paraphrase 

Like the 12 step programs. “Any recovery process is a big deal. For some people it has helped them to stay clean for 30 years<comma” said Judd.<flip words, Judd said. “People celebrate these clean years like their own birthdays. They’ll have their own belly bottom birthday, and their recovery birthday. I’ve been 15 years clean myself, and I love to teach and show students about these major awareness and about the all the help that we have here on campus.” At the Wellness Center<comma Judd works with students and shows them the steps needed in order for them to feel safe and recover. 

“Students who are in recovery struggle just a little bit more than other students, that’s why we need these places for people in these situations to get needed help from professional trained people who can give the kind of cure and therapy.” <attribution? 

Jamie Q.<is that the full last name? You need to have the person’s last name who studied at Dixie and now works in recovery treatment centers has a lot of experience and wise words on this issue, mainly because she’s gone through the process herself. New paragraph “Being in recovery is what got me into school, and is what helped me get my associates. Staying in school was hard, especially when you’re an addict. I soon learned that I wasn’t alone, there where other people going through the same issues and experiences. The Wellness Center and many other organizations in the community showed me how to take better care of myself. People in college have certain dreams, however college is also very hard, especially when you’re an addict. And sometimes negative thoughts get in the away of achieving these dreams. I thought I couldn’t do it, but I actually did. The help that I got thought me how to gain the tools I needed to be successfulI and follow my dreams.” <this quote is very lone, only use what is essential to the story. 

When Jamie was asked what kind of advice she’d give other students going through the same situation she said<don’t say “when asked”, change the wording of this, “work yourself first, figure out how to cure yourself and stay clean.There really is hope, like a disease you really can’t recover alone. Many people are out there for this purpose, people who actually care. They taught me to believe in myself, helped me pull out my in denials and showed me that everything was possible. Since then my journey has been clean. Now I want to continue my education to become a counselor myself and prove to everyone that I can.” <condense quote and put attribution after first sentence 

Counselor Judd says<change to said that she understands how hard it is to recover,<change to period  New paragraph“it can be exhausting and discouraging, but the brain takes time to heal. You have to be prepared to make certain changes in order to get well get well. For example people who are sick haver have to eat better, sleep better, act better.  They realize they have to take some time off from life and take care of themselves. And it’s okay to put your life on hold to focus on you and be that person whom you wish to be. I had cancer a couple years ago, and because I did just ,this I am now lot better. Never be afraid to take care of yourself, and put yourself first. I’d like students to know the same.” <condense quote and put attribution after first sentence.

A friend<you need to know the name of the source of Jamie’s<last name on second reference who is the front dest for the AA program here in St. George explained that, “in our AA groups we have a 70 year old women recovering. Everyone has different walks in life, addiction does not discriminate, nevertheless it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself. I was one; my daughter was one too. Now she’s been 15 years clean and also advocates for recovery. It can really happen to anyone.”

Professor Logan Reid tells said Dixie that students need to remember that students that, “they can get help at The Student Health & Wellness Center, the Southwest Behavioral Health Center, the Hospital, or to a private treatment center. A great resource to find recovery services is the annual, Southwest Utah Recovery Day festival that is held every third Thursday of September at the St. George Town Square. This festival celebrates recovery, and vendors from all over the area come to promote their recovery services.”

Take help when it’s given, and be an advocate for your own life. Please visit the Student Wellness Center and change your life today. <this is adding too much personal opinion, change this up a bit