Students share how they study for tests

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I’ll admit it, I’m one of those students.

I can’t stand scantrons, circling in bubbles, or people who sniff and move around too much in class during a test. I’m always worried about coloring outside the little circle, and I take too long to make sure my coloring-in is perfect. (It’s an art, OK?)

Test anxiety is common among college students. Esther Okaro, a sophomore general education major from Ikorodu, Nigeria, said she has a really good memory because she listens in class, takes notes, and uses different colored pens to highlight important sections.

“A rule I give myself is to not open anymore notes or books on the test day, and just go by my memory,” Okaro said.

Lindsay Snow, a senior math major from St. George, said she prepares for a test by taking it one step at a time.

“Testing strategies improve over time and practice,” Snow said. 

Snow said she listens to the professors in class when they say what will be on the test, and she tries to focus on only what they say is important. 

“I also like making study groups with classmates whenever I need to go over material for a test,” she said. 

Skyler Moss, a senior general education major from St. George, said he doesn’t really study at all before a test.

“I just kind of review after class and reread everything everyday until the test,” Moss said.  

Preparing for a test depends on the class and professor, said Parker Mayberry, a sophomore communication major from Sammamish, Washington. 

Procrastination is not your friend, Snow said. 

“It takes a lot of self discipline,” she said. “The more self-discipline I have, the more confident and fully prepared I feel for a test. That’s when my test fears go away.”