A deep dive into DSU’s Black Student Union

Moesha Spencer, a senior marketing major from Jamaica and Terrance Grant, coordinator for African American/Black students interview with Joe Boyle, a reporter from Sun News Daily. Sun News Daily | Misha Mosiichuk

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Dixie State University’sBlack Student Union (BSU) is an organization primarily focused to help Black students connect, make long-lasting friendships and share their history with others.

Moesha Spencer, a senior marketing major from Jamaica, has loved her time as a member of BSU. She said her time participating in the organization has “broadened her horizon,” and helped to make networking connections she is sure will be beneficial to her and her future endeavors.

“I had no friends when I first got here,” Spencer said. “It was nice to meet people with similar experiences.”

Nahjae Malone, a junior applied sociology major from Las Vegas, has had a similar positive experience with the BSU.

“It’s been great,” Malone said. “I love working with people who love sharing their Black history.” 

With February being Black History Month, the BSU held many events on campus throughout the month. Members of BSU were, for the most part, happy with what they were able to do. 

Spencer said, “I’m glad that we are the people doing these events.” The BSU was happy to have the control and opportunity to spread the message they wanted. However, she feels like more could have been done on a larger scale by DSU. 

Terrance Grant, coordinator for African American/Black students, felt similarly about the level of support and involvement during Black History Month. Grant has seen a lot of growth in the BSU and DSU, particularly among athletes. Grant commends the organization and DSU for, “building a bridge between athletics and BSU.” However, he wishes more large-scale events would have been planned for Black History Month. 

Grant said, “BSU did an awesome job with the events put on… but a bigger event would be awesome.”

Malone also said the events put on by BSU were great, but she also wishes they would have seen higher attendance. 

Malone said, “The university promoted it on social, but we expected more people to come out.” 

Malone and Spencer both offered words of encouragement for non-Black students to educate themselves and learn more about their fellow Black student’s history. 

“A lot of people don’t feel comfortable coming to these meetings,” Spencer said. “Non-Black students are welcome to come and learn about our history.”

Spencer said these events and meetings put on by the BSU are not exclusive to Black students and that non-Black students aren’t “taking up space” by attending. 

Spencer said she encourages and appreciates when students of a different race are willing to attend these events and learn about Black history. 

Malone simply asks for people to, “Learn how to educate on Black history.”

She said, “Reach out to Black students you know and are comfortable with and learn their history.”