World Mustache Population Sees Rapid Increase

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For all of you ladies out there, if you happen to notice your male counterparts growing something new on their face, don’t run, don’t hide. 

It’s not just that they’ve gotten lazy, or woke up too late to shave before work. The purpose of that fur coat growing on their face is for a good cause. 

Movember, or, No Shave November is upon us. 

Throughout this month, men world-wide will be putting away the shaving cream and razor, as they raise money for a variety of men’s health issues.

The hairy epidemic all started in Australia in 2003, but has since spread worldwide. 

The purpose is to get friends, family and coworkers to donate to the cause. Movember raises money that is donated to several organizations including the Prostate Cancer Foundation, and Livestrong

Since the hair-ridden craze made it to the shores of the United States five years ago, Americans have raised over $7.5 million. Worldwide Movember has raised $174 million. According to Movember, this makes the mustache party the largest non-government funder of prostate cancer research in the world. 

Prostate cancer is the second deadliest cancer in men, with lung cancer being the first. According to the American Cancer Society, one in every six men will get prostate cancer during his lifetime, and one in 36 will die because of the disease. 

There are two separate movements that sweep the world this time of year. Some men believe in growing only a mustache, thus participating in Movember. Others prefer to grow as much hair as possible and participate in No Shave November. 

Both movements are meant to benefit the same cause. 

Typically, its preferred that men start their day off on November first with a clean shave. After the initial shave, if you’re participating in Movember, it’s necessary to maintain and groom your mustache over the next thirty days. Where as for No Shave November participants, starting with a clean shave is still the preferred option, but you can simply give up any grooming or trimming of your facial hair for the following month. 

Sure, a good mustache may bring a smile to the face of a passerby, but hopefully with a rapid increase in the number of mustaches around the world, it will increase awareness and encourage people to donate to this important cause. 

And for all the men out there, whether or not you decide to grow your best mustache or beard, be sure to get regular screenings to help prevent prostate cancer. 

I encourage anyone who reads this that wants to participate in this month’s festivities to do so. If you want to track your progress, it would be great to see some photos of some stellar mustaches. Email photos to [email protected].