A free item each Friday for all at Utah Tech

Take part in the new freebie Fridays program from the trailblazer traditions app at Utah Tech University. Graphic courtesy of Utah Tech alumni department.

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A freebie Friday for you, a freebie Friday for you, and, of course, a freebie Friday for you. That’s right, everyone affiliated with Utah Tech University, that has the Trailblazer Traditions app, gets something for free every Friday from a local business. 

So, what’s the kick? There is no kick. All you need to do is download the Trailblazer Traditions app and log in with your Digital ID number. Once logged in, you will get notifications each Friday that remind you what the free item is that day. Then go to the business, show them the app, and redeem your free item.

Alumni ambassador Preslee Harris, a senior marketing major from St. George, said, “I think a lot of the times students get mixed up about what they can participate in, and because it is coming from the alumni side of the university, I think there is a lot of confusion there.”

Utah Tech students can plan on getting something for free each Friday while also making connections with those who came before them. Harris emphasized the importance of freebie Fridays, especially after Utah Tech’s name change. The weekly deal provides current students, alumni and community members to come together by doing something positive and supporting local businesses.

VP of public relations for the alumni department, Peyton Rogers, a senior design major from Stansbury park, said, “Getting people to go to the same businesses together and showing they have the traditions app can open up conversation between the community, alumni and current students. So it is mainly to get them at the same place at the same time.”

Businesses involved with previous freebie Fridays include: Durango’s Mexican Grill, Onyx Cafe and Crumbl.

“Sponsors will change each freebie Friday to give you some variety,” said John Bowler, director of alumni relations. “No purchase necessary, but, of course, we would ask everyone to purchase something to say thank you for their generosity.”

The next freebie Friday is Sept. 23, and the offer is a free carwash at Fabulous Freddy’s. There is more information on the trailblazer traditions app.

Rogers said: “Our trailblazer traditions app is an app run by our organization [alumni department] here. It’s an app for students to go and do traditions that have been created here at Utah Tech and if they finish enough of the traditions when they graduate, they get to have a wooden medallion saying they have completed all of the traditions.”

Utah Tech is one of the first schools in the state to have the traditions app. Harris said freebie Fridays has helped bring awareness to the app. Students and alumni can find the 60+ Utah Tech alumni traditions available to them through the app.

Join the alumni department at Utah Tech, get the free traditions app, and get something for free every Friday.