‘Nathan Hale’ actors look to Hollywood’s finest as inspiration for taking to stage

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Artists claim painting is a vital outlet while writers view writing as a painful necessity. The actors of “Nathan Hale” view their craft in similar ways—as a means for emotional outlet and fulfillment.

Some of the actors got their acting starts in unique ways. Nelson Senten, a freshmen theater major from Magna, became an actor through a bribe with his brother.

“My brother told me if I tried out for a play, he’d buy me some Abercrombie & Fitch cologne,” Senten said.

Senten said he acts because it allows him to free his emotions and understand what makes others tick.

“I can get into the audience’s head and make them feel a certain way,” he said.

Some of the actors Senten admires, like Tom Hanks, reflect Senten’s desire to bring emotions to his work.

Shia LaBeouf is another actor Senten looks up to, but for different reasons.

“He’s fearless; he takes on anything,” he said. “He’ll do any role.”

This admiration ties into a big goal Senten has: to not be afraid of anything, including fears of rejection.

“Do what you want to do,” Senten said. “Don’t learn the meaning of the word no.”

Kyle Flowers, a junior theater major from St. George, applies this philosophy to himself as well.

“I’ve always thought of myself as a positive person,” Flowers said. “I believe in the law of attraction.”

Flowers said he didn’t enjoy acting initially. However, after attending Tuacahn High School for the Performing Arts and taking acting classes, he discovered he had a knack for it.

“It’s just fun to be outside yourself and portray a character the audience will hopefully like,” he said.

While Flowers said he would love to perform in film as his career progresses, he also said he loves stage for its raw nature.

“It’s all up on the stage,” he said. “You can’t hide your mistakes.”

Flowers said he acts because it offers a great release from everyday life.

“When I’m acting, I forget about the stress of life and worry about what’s happening on the stage,” he said.

Acting is a necessity for Mindee Anderson, a freshman theater major from Sandy.

“I feel like I have to do it,” Anderson said. “I love it so much.”

Anderson, who began acting in high school, said sticking to her beliefs in the acting world is important to her and the actors she most admires embody that.

“I love Kate Winslet and Meryl Streep,” she said. “I feel like they’re so confident and beautiful. They stick to what they believe.”

Anderson also said she sees acting as a way to reach out to others.

“I know I want to travel and do lots of humanitarian work,” she said. “There’s nothing worse than an actor who does it only for themselves. Acting should be about affecting others.”

As for how acting should affect others, Anderson said not to look at the media for answers.

“The media really screws it up—they make it all about appearance,” she said. “But [acting] should be about truth and art.”