Eating Oreos doesn’t define personalities

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Oreos may be milk’s favorite cookie, but some might argue it’s also a sure-fire personality test.

Soaking the cookie into a glass of milk, opening the Oreo and eating just the white stuff, or simply eating the whole thing at once could theoretically define a person’s traits. At least that’s what one popular online quiz leads people to believe.

According to a quiz posted on Quibblo.com (and copied and posted on dozens of other websites), there are 10 definitive ways to eat an Oreo, and each one carries with it a different personality type.

For example, the quiz tells us that people who twist the cookie apart, eat the inside first, and then eat the cookie “are greedy, selfish, mean and lack feelings for others.”

The source of the quiz can’t be tracked, and it’s unclear if this is simply the work of a bored Oreo addict or the result of some great doctorial research. But there was only one way to test whether or not Oreo eating goes hand-in-hand with temperament: ask Dixie State College students.

Oreos and milk were distributed to a group of 66 random students who were going to and from classes on the Diagonal. They were asked to describe their personality and then eat the cookies. They weren’t given any hints as to what types of people they were supposed to be according to the quiz.

The results were astounding: None of the students who participated necessarily showed any signs of having personality traits like those listed in the quiz.

Robbie Nielson, a freshman business major from Portland, Ore., described himself as “a stud who’s always happy.” 

He said he likes to dunk the whole cookie into the milk and then shove it into his mouth. According to the quiz, Nielson should be “in total denial about the shambles” of his life. He should also have a propensity toward narcotic addiction. This was hardly the case for the cookie-eater who stopped to have a bite of an Oreo.

Cassidy Riding, a freshman dental hygiene major from Grantsville, said she likes to drink the milk first and then bite the Oreo.

“(I’m) outgoing, nice, precious,” she said.

And if she was the person the personality test says she is, then she supposedly lacks imagination. This sweeping generalization of how a person behaves based solely upon dunking vs. drinking could actually be applied to more than half of those who participated. More than half would probably agree such a generalization is mostly likely false.

Shae-Lynn Dumouchel, a freshman nursing major from West Jordan, said she was “friendly, accepting, very nice, funny (and) precious.”

While she shares two personality traits with Riding, she prefers to eat her Oreo differently.

“I separate the cookies, lick the frosting, and eat the cookies,” she said.

The Oreo personality test dictates that Dumouchel should be a compulsive liar and exhibit deviant and criminal behavior. Considering Dumouchel was on campus and studying for a degree to help others, one could possibly assume the test might not be so accurate.

Dixie Sun News’ unscientific research found that, no matter who a person is, that person most likely can’t be defined by the way he or she eats an Oreo.

In fact, almost 80 percent of the students who took part in the Oreo personality test said they preferred dunking it in milk first. Either a large portion of potentially drug-addicted students happened to have Oreo cravings that day, or people just generally prefer their Oreos dipped in milk.

Roughly half of the participants said they liked to pull the cookie apart first, and at least 7 percent said they liked to stick a fork through the white filling and then soak the whole thing in a cup of milk. 

While there were no specifications on how a person should behave if he or she uses utensils to better soak their cookie, the author of the online quiz would most likely come up with a doozie.

Jared Spencer, a sophomore communication major from Derby, Kan., was a unique case. He described himself as “flamboyant,” and he was the only participant who said his Oreos were better when dipped not in milk but in peanut butter. 

Do you see the correlation between eating an Oreo and the way you behave? Tell us how you eat your Oreos and what your unique personality traits are. “Like” us on Facebook.com/DixieSunNews and follow us on Twitter @DixieSunNews #OreoPersonality.