Thurs ‘D’ brings weekly activities to campus

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The D in Thurs “D” most likely stands for Dixie but could also stand for diverse—judging by the wide array of activities on slate for the program. 

Thurs “D,” which kicked off on Aug. 30 with the Date Doctor, will run every Thursday night that school is in session. Students can expect a pingpong tournament, a concert at the Encampment Mall, and either a giant Jenga or giant Twister—just in the next five weeks.

Student Life Coordinator Stefanie Higginson said Thurs “D” was based on the idea that students could consistently expect an activity put on by student government.

“The student life department wanted to have a weekly event scheduled, so students know there is always something going on at least one day a week and on the same day,” Higginson said.

Student Life Vice President Sami Warnick, a senior business major from Wanship, said Thursday was chosen in an attempt to avoid conflicting with night classes. Various members of student government and two clubs, who have excellent involvement and performance—chosen by the DSC Inter Club Council—plan activities for Thurs “D,” but Warnick said DSC students can also have a say.

“Students interested in giving us Thurs ‘D’ input can let us know via social media or by stopping by the student government room,” Warnick said. “We’d love to hear your ideas; most of the fall events are planned, but spring semester is a blank slate.”

To keep up on Thurs “D” activities and other happenings, students can go to the student government website, dixiestudentlife.com, or like the Dixie Student Life page on Facebook.