St. George, Utah – Nolan Ryan Anderson was encircled in the arms of our Savior’s love on June 22, 2011. He passed away peacefully in his sleep at home while taking a nap after playing games with his brothers.
Nolan was born in Soda Springs Idaho on May 13th 1993. He was the third of 6 sons born to Ryan and Lorna Anderson. He was a calm and gentle baby sleeping all through the night on his first night home. A 35 hour labor and his gentle personality, gave his parents early indication that Nolan was going to be a special child. At age one he contracted meningitis that lead to complications including hydrocephalus and stroke. The impaired use of the right side of his body and learning challenges served as tools for Nolan to learn amazing patience, courage and determination, always exceeding expectations.
Nolan attended Special Needs Preschool and grades K -5 in Soda Springs Idaho. He participated in the CWHOG downhill ski program where he learned the fine art of “pizza” and “French fry” skiing techniques. He loved the snow and would spend hours playing with his brothers and friends. He participated in many little league sports. He particularly enjoyed the youth bowling league for several years, Nolan loved the water and learned how to swim in the Bailey Creek Pool. He made lifelong friends in Soda Springs and loved to return as often as he could. Nolan’s family moved to St. George, Utah 2005 where he attended Lava Ridge Intermediate, Snow Canyon Middle School and was currently enrolled as a Senior at Tuacahn High School for the Performing Arts. Nolan loved music throughout his life. He played the drums, trumpet and left handed piano. He loved band particularly the marching band. He loved to dance and was a great bass singer. Nolan was a member of the Jr. SHARKS swim team for three years and a member of the Snow Canyon Swim Team as a 9th grader. He was also a member of the SC Middle School Madrigal Choir his 8th and 9th grade years. Nolan was active in the BSA Troop 518 and completed his Eagle Scout Award and will receive his posthumous award at an Eagle Court of Honor in August. Nolan organized the sewing of 10 quilts that were donated to Primary Children’s Hospital. Nolan had recently become very interested in genealogy and was doing indexing work and was approved to volunteer at the Family History Center for the LDS church in St. George. He was currently serving as the First Assistant to the Bishop in Priest Quorum in the Snow Canyon 5th Ward. While attending Tuacahn High School he was active in choir and musical theater. Some of his favorite roles were in “White Christmas” “When” and in ” All Shook up.” He also enjoyed community theater productions and ward choir with his family. He took incredible pride in announcing that he was a member of the Tuacahn High School Madrigal Choir and wore his choir hoodie with pride nearly every waking hour. He was pushed and stretched to learn complex dance steps and blocking in the musicals. Singing in foreign languages with accappella precision in Madrigals and difficult academic classes while attending Tuacahn, but couldn’t wait for next year to start.
Nolan is survived by his parents, Ryan and Lorna Anderson of St. George, a brother Andrew and wife Clarissa of Provo, Utah, and brothers Elder Clark Anderson,Vitoria Brazil Mission and Hayden, Austin and Isaac all of St. George, Utah. He is preceded in death by his maternal grandmother Julia Hatch Robbins.
Funeral services will be held Monday, June 27, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. at the Snow Canyon LDS Stake Center, 1184 North Dixie Downs Road, St. George, Utah. Visitations will be held Sunday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Metcalf Mortuary, 288 West St. George Blvd. and on Monday, prior to services, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Stake Center. Interment will follow at the Tonaquint Cemetery.
Arrangements entrusted to the care of Metcalf Mortuary, (435) 673-4221.
A memorial gathering will be held in the LDS Cultural Hall at 281 East Hooper Ave. in Soda Springs, Idaho from 4-6 pm on Sunday, July 3rd. In lieu of flowers, you may make a donation to the Nolan Ryan Anderson Memorial Performance Fund at Tuacahn High School. Proceeds will be used to support individual and group needs for the Madrigal Choir and Musical Theater programs.