‘Just Dance 4’ elicits 5-star review; game best played in group

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If you’re not a dancer, “Just Dance 4” will have you dancing like a pro in no time.

Don’t be a couch potato. Grab a friend or two and start dancing.

The newest installment of the “Just Dance” series came out Oct. 9. “Just Dance 4” is similar to previous “Just Dance” games where players are judged on their ability to mimic on-screen dancers. However, this newest version brings more modern songs and bonus features.

“Just Dance 4” has a little something for everyone, whether it’s country, electronic, pop, hip-hop, or oldies music. It also features music from artists like Nicki Minaj, One Direction and Carly Rae Jepsen, along with older artists like Elvis Presley, Rick Astley and Stevie Wonder.

While the music is great, the best thing about this game is the bonus features you can unlock. As you play the game, you earn “mojo” points that are used to unlock avatars, dance battles, dance mash-ups, and even song remixes.

Although this game is a lot of fun, it’s better played with other people, even if it’s only one other person. This version features more dances for couples and groups, which is great because players don’t always have to be dancing the same routine.

Amanda Turner, a sophomore nursing major from Washington City, has played older versions of “Just Dance” and said she liked the group dances.  

“I kind of liked the group ones better just because it gives you variety of what the other people are doing, too,” Turner said.

Katie Koeven, a sophomore elementary education major from Washington City, has played “Just Dance 3” before. She thought the dances in “Just Dance 4” were fun and quite a workout.

“I’m sweating,” Koeven said.

While the music and dances were fun, there was something Koeven didn’t like about the game.

“Sometimes I can’t do the moves,” Koeven said.

Turner also thought the same, saying the moves were a little advanced sometimes, but the dances were still fun to follow.

The moves can be challenging, depending on the difficulty level you’re playing, but once you’ve played it a few times, the moves get easier.  

For the most part, all the dances have fun and unique choreography. However, there are a few dance routines, like Rihanna’s “Umbrella,” that are slow and can get boring after awhile.

As far as “Just Dance 4” being a workout, it really depends on how much you want to get into the game. If you move your feet as well as your arms, it will definitely be a workout. Turner, Koeven and I were out of breath in the hour we played the game.

If you want more of a workout, the game also features a Just Sweat mode with dances to work on cardio, health conditioning and fitness steps.

This game really is no fun to play by yourself. But if you are playing with a group, make sure to have plenty of space. The dances have you moving around a lot, especially since players can have their own part.

This is a game that you will not be disappointed in owning and mastering. I rate “Just Dance 4” five out of five stars.

Fact Box- “Just Dance 4” 

What is it: A dancing game where players are judged on their ability to mimic on-screen dancers.

Price: about $40

Consoles: Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Rated: Everyone