Good luck comes in form of charms, mentality

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Good luck charms can be hard to find, and some students don’t believe in them at all.

Whether preparing for an interview, a test or a date, good luck charms can be helpful—for students who believe in them. 

Cora Hamer, a freshman communication major from St George, doesn’t believe in good luck charms.

“I’ve never really used them,” she said.

It’s hard to know if good luck charms work at all. Many people may have pairs of lucky underwear, but Hamer has her doubts about their effectiveness.

“What makes them so good?” she asked. “Do they really work?”

Her sentiments were echoed by Mickenna Starman, a junior medical radiography major from Salem.

“I don’t do anything to feel more lucky,” Starman said. “I just study to feel more prepared.” 

While Hamer and Starman neither believe in nor use good luck charms, they aren’t too judgmental of others who do.

Mayra Uribe, a sophomore nursing major from Lexington, Neb., has a good luck charm, and it’s not lucky underwear.

“I carry it in my makeup bag,” she said. “It’s an angel, a little glass ball with an angel inside.”

Shan Adams, a freshman psychology major from Salt Lake City, has a favorite good luck charm.

“They were silver dolphin earrings that my mom gave to me the first time I tried out for a dance team,” Adams said. “They brought me great luck every time I wore them.”

Uribe said that good luck charms are more about what is inside a student’s head and heart than about an actual good luck charm. She keeps hers because it was given to her by someone very special.

Uribe notes that when students are “being more open-minded, it’s easier to understand things like good luck charms.”

Maybe the reason people have good luck charms is because the feeling of good luck is powerful.

“They made me feel special and loved and calmed me down,” Adams said. “I really believed they were the reason I made that team.”

It may be hard for some students to believe in the power of good luck charms, and it may be hard for others to let go of their charms. In any case, good luck is tricky to obtain and even trickier to keep. 

J.D. Robertson, director of financial aid, explained the trick of good luck.

“I believe that if you do good, then good comes back,” he said. “If that’s good luck, so be it.”