DSU resources largely underutilized

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The sweat students lose during a final exam could be replaced with a dip into cool waters; too bad the pool on campus goes unnoticed.

Dixie State University has many unknown campus resources that are available for students. Most schools try to cater to the needs and comfort of the students who attend them. Whether it is having private study rooms, exercise routes or swimming pools, college officials think about what students would like.

DSU has done this, but, despite their efforts, students are not taking advantage of some perks that are available to them. 

Students have the opportunity to use the swimming pool on campus located in the Fitness Center. It only costs $1 for students to swim as long as they would like. There is equipment students can use, such as kick boards and pull buoys, for those who want to get in a swim workout. For students who are looking for a fun, relaxing time, tubes and basketballs are available. All of the equipment is free to use.

So why don’t students take advantage of the pool?

Pool manager Alli Stewart, a junior biology major from Santa Clara, said the answer is simple. Students just don’t know the pool exists. Stewart said when she goes to class and talks about the pool, most students are surprised to know there is one on campus.

“I will wear my guard shirt to class, and students will ask if I work at other pools in the area,” Stewart said. “When I tell them I work here, they always ask why no one ever told them about the pool.”

For students with families, the pool also offers swimming lessons and a swim team during the summer. The pool is open Monday through Friday from 3-6 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

When the designers planned the new Jeffery R. Holland Centennial building on campus, they made private study rooms for students to use. 

Most students said they have seen all of these rooms full is during finals week. The rooms are available throughout the year and help students focus while they study. 

“I usually study in the Holland,” said Calee Drew, an English major from Las Vegas. “I never see anyone in the study rooms.”

Another underutilized resource on campus is the red room, located in room 135 of the Udvar-Hazy building.

There are couches and chairs available for students to use while studying, or it can be used to catch up on some extra sleep between classes.

“Not a lot of people know about the red room,” said Carlos Morgan, a junior communication major from Santa Clara. “It is a great place to study.”

The red room is open for all students to use while the Udvar-Hazy building is open. DSU has made it possible for students to relax and have nice places to go on campus. The next time you are looking for a place to unwind, check out the swimming pool, the red room on campus and the study rooms in the library.