Car crashes become result of St. George rain

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Two vehicles were in a collision Sept. 10 at approximately 9:20 a.m. Officer Hale of the St. George police department was called to the scene of the crash. Hale said a gentleman was traveling south on 800 east and turned right to park in a parking stall. A vehicle came by and hit him on the passenger side as he was parking. 

He said the parking stalls are newly painted, which can be confusing, so the woman in the vehicle must have thought she had room to pass him.

However, even though the stalls are there, it is illegal to pass on the right because it is a one-lane street. The gentleman told the officer his blinker was on and she side-swiped him as he was turning into the stall.

“The lady was in pain so she was taken to the hospital,” Hale said.  

Stg. Sam Despian said she was taken to the DRMC for head neck and lower back pain. It was nothing serious or critical and the driver was also sited for trying to pass on the right in relation to that crash.

Officer Chad Pectol was first on the scene of an accident occurring at the intersection of 700 E. and 300 south.

He said there was a three car collision. There was one vehicle facing west on 300 south stopped at a stop sign. That vehicle crossed the street in front of a south bound vehicle and those two cars collided. Then, the car that crossed the street at the stop sign also collided with a vehicle that was on the west side of the intersection stopped in the left turn lane. There were no injuries reported.