“Camelot” DSU’s next musical theater production

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From history buffs to music lovers and dance enthusiasts, Dixie State University’s production of “Camelot” promises to have something for almost everyone.

The show follows the stories of King Arthur with a new twist as a musical theater production. Adjunct instructor Kelly Thomas is directing the play as her first production at DSU. Thomas said she was approached about the project after the original director, Brent Hanson, took on a different position with the school.

Thomas said even though the set design was already done, it’s right in line with her vision.

“It actually worked out in my favor because Brent has a similar aesthetic to mine,” she said. “It’s very simple, and he wasn’t going for a specific time period.”

Thomas also said while the set design is finished, there are still challenges with spacing the set. 

“We have a lot of space…empty space,” she said. “There’s not a lot [of set] for the actors to play on.”

Some of the larger set pieces are the backdrops, which are entirely hand-painted and span from the stage nearly up to the ceiling.

Both Thomas and the actors agree even though the show is a musical, the text truly shows the quest Arthur takes in becoming king.

Charles Sean Bronsma, a freshman theater major from Cedar City who plays Mordrid, said his favorite part of the play is the trial scene, which is rich with text and music.

“I get to go insane happy,” Bronsma said. “I get to watch Camelot crumble by my hands.”

Jordan Roberts, a senior theater major from Ogden, also said there is a certain realism to the show.

“This play tells the story of the hero’s quest the truest way you can as a musical,” he said. “You get that real [aspect] people can relate to it.”

The show plays on the Eccles Main Stage Nov. 7-9 and again Nov. 12-16. General admission is $10, and tickets purchased with a student I.D. are $1. The show begins at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets can be purchased online, at the box office or by phone at 435-652-7800.