Student fees fund athletics, DSUSA, events, building costs

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   The Student Fee Allocation Committee heard from various entities last week that benefit from student fees. 

Student fees are $356 this year. Student Body President Matt Devore, a senior integrated studies major from Mesquite, Nevada, said this change is decided by the Student Fees Allocation Committee based on the needs of the school in order to grow as a university. 

The Student Fee Allocation Committee meets on a yearly basis to recommend changes to the student fee structure for the following year. 

Warren Anderson, a senior accounting major from Santa Clara and vice president of academics, said it is the committee’s responsibility to determine the validity of each proposal by analyzing the benefit provided to students.

Devore said he is pleased with how the student fee allocation process went this year. He said he was particularly happy with the support the student body had from this year’s two students at large, who were part of the SFAC. 

“This year’s [students at large] were great representatives for the student body. They asked the tough questions and they represented [the student body] well,” Devore said. 

Annie Simkins, a senior business major from St. George and one of this year’s students at large said: “I was very impressed with each of the presentations.  It was obvious that each of the presenters take very seriously the money they receive from the students and what they use these funds for.”

Simkins was also impressed by the professional manner in which the DSUSA conducted themselves. She said even though they are familiar with each other because they work together everyday, they kept things serious. 

Dean of Students Del Beatty said the numbers decided upon in the past week’s meetings won’t be available until approved by the board of trustees. 

DSU athletics were allotted the greatest amount of money last year— $80 out of every student’s fee last year. Student services programs received $55.90, DSUSA received $33, the Human Performance Center fund was given $59.85 and Gardener Student Center operations recieved $22.50. Institutional computers, and intramural, fitness and recreation both received $24. Other items received under $15 each. 

The amount of the fees is proportionate to the cost of tuition. Anderson said it increases by the same proportional amount tuition does.

“Many of the services we have on campus available to students would be impossible to provide if it weren’t for student fees,” Devore said.

The student fees are used for student activities and services, Devore said. He said they provide funding for sporting events, student events such as the Wednes-D activities, intramurals, the Dixie Sun News, the Tutoring Center and the Health and Wellness Center.

Devore said they also fund student buildings like the Gardner Student Center and Student Activities Center.    

“Student fees are important because it’s what makes the student affairs side of college run,” Devore said. “Without these, we wouldn’t be able to afford all the extracurricular activities that are associated with the college experience.”

Simkins said each of the fee allocations were voted upon this year and all received a 7-0 vote. 

“I believe the student fees we will be paying next year will be utilized as intended and will enable DSU to continue to be the great institution we have all come to know and love,” Simkins said. “I know that I will feel better about paying my student fees knowing that this committee exists and takes their position in fee allocating so seriously and really represents the students at DSU.”