Stampede leads Trailblazer crowd at athletic events

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The Dixie State University Stampede is the official way for students to show their trailblazer pride at athletic events.

The Stampede is made for students, by students, and manifests as the student section of the crowd at all major DSU athletics events. Showing up to games in body paint and using baby powder to their advantage, the Stampede do their best to show their pride by being the loudest at games.

“It’s fun to look for the crowd at a game and see the students hollering for their school. I always know who to cheer with,” said Logan Gustafson, a sophomore biology major from Tooele. “I saw them cheering once with a lot of baby powder I think.”

The Stampede even made its own Twitter account this August and has already amassed over 100 followers and counting. The Stampede keeps an active presence on social media, posting live updates at all major DSU athletic events.

“We try to attend all of our home games and we are looking forward to creating a large robust student section,” said Malosi Togisala, Stampede president and junior communications major from South Ogden. “We expect a lot of energy and dedication to change the student section atmosphere.”

“I didn’t know it was an official group; I thought it was just a bunch of people supporting their school,” Jacob Medsker, a sophomore business marketing major from Tooele, said. “I’d consider joining them.”

The Athletics Branch of the Dixie State University Student Association oversees the student fan experience for DSU Athletics events. If you are a student at DSU and interested in joining the Stampede, visit dixiestudentlife.com. The DSUS can also be found on Instagram and Twitter @DSUStampede.