Online dating functional option in today’s society

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It’s time for society to finally and completely embrace online dating for what it really is: an excellent way to meet someone to share life with.

The fact of the matter is that as a society evolves and embraces technology, communication changes.

Online dating is a good thing, though many people would probably disagree. So the guy online could be an axe murderer? So could that guy in the coffee shop. 

People in the real world are just as likely to lie to you and to lie about themselves as people you meet virtually. Getting to know a person and blindly trusting that he or she won’t kill you later is all a part of dating, whether it is online or in real life.

Online dating is a benefit to society. For one, it connects you with people all over the world. My friend is getting married in August to a man she’s been with for five years. He’s from England, and the two of them met online.

More than half of their relationship has been through online communication; yes, they fly out to see one another as often as they can, but that’s not always possible.

Not only does it connect you with so many more people, but online dating makes dating easier. No longer do you have to try to find the perfect venue to meet singles—no more musty bars, singles’ clubs, church socials or boring parties. Now you can find whomever is right for you without actually having to search through every bar in the world.

And, you really can’t beat the price. Yes, for most dating services a fee is required. Generally, however, that yearly subscription to eHarmony is a lot cheaper than each individual trip to the bar or the club. I’d rather pay the $19.95 for a year’s subscription than the $20 cover charge every time I wanted to get into a club. Not only that, but a lot of chatrooms and other sites you could use for dating are free.

Most sites offer sorting functions, profiles, search engines, pre-screening, and sometimes even personality tests to deliver quantity and quality, as well as organization, as you search for the perfect date or mate.

So, no more awkward blind dates that your friend set up through her boyfriend. It’s best to leave the blind dates to a website that actually tries to match you to people you’re compatible with.

Online dating is more convenient for a society that is built on what is convenient.  It’s more appealing for a society raised on the Internet. 

Online dating is something that we shouldn’t look down upon based on old-fashioned ideas that are slowly fading. Let’s embrace the idea of online dating and squash the rumors that dating online means you’re not in a real relationship.