Good roommates make good influence

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A perfect roommate is hard to come by; but if you find one, keep him or her around.

My roommate, Tarah Michelle Kershaw, is one of my long-time friends. All of the nights we spent together sitting on the couch looking at Facebook memes and laughing uncontrollably are what make a great roommate. She and I have more inside jokes than anyone I know, and nothing significant has to happen in order for us to get a good laugh. These qualities make the best roommate and the college experience worthwhile.

When choosing a roommate, consider your previous friends because you already know their personalities and you know whether you will get along with them or not. Having the same interests as your roommate can make your time with them alot more enjoyable. Kershaw and I are interested in the same kind of things like snowboarding, longboarding and jamming to the guitar.

A lot of roommates have a hard time sharing clothes, but Kershaw and I have it down to a T. I will get a Snapchat from Kershaw wearing my shirt asking, “Can I wear this?” and with no response, I get home and, sure enough, she is wearing it. But she knows that I don’t mind when she wears my clothes, and she doesn’t mind when I wear hers.

Kershaw is one of the best influences I have at college. I can always count on her to do the right thing. She always encourages me to make good choices. She doesn’t do these things in a nagging or annoying way, either. She will sweetly say, “I think I’m going to stay until the end of church” or, “Let’s just finish our homework now.” Having someone like this in my life makes a big difference because Kershaw gives the same kind of advice my mom doesbut in a more friendly way.

It has been great getting to know “Crenshaw,” “Baby Tarah” or sometimes even “Tarah-dactile” better throughout this school year. She cares for me when I’m in need and entertains me when I’m bored. She’s also the perfect Netflix companion. I’m excited to be roommates with her again next year.

All in all, Kershaw is a great friend and roommate.