Foam Dance preserves frothy, favored tradition

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Wearing bikinis and board shorts, Dixie State University students danced the night away at the annual Week of Welcome Foam Dance.

The Foam Dance is held during the first week of school. DSU students anticipate the music, mingling and, of course, the foam.

“[This is] the event that finishes the week off and ends it with a bang,” said Sarah Beacco, a junior dental hygiene major from St. George and the social events chair. “It gets people together and it sets up how students will be involved later in the year.” 

More than 1,300 students attended, Beacco said.

DSU students mingled and danced, but the highlight of the night was the foam created by Foamalicious. According to www.foamalicious.com, Foamalicious is the only company that rents and sells equipment that creates 100 percent non-toxic and organic foam for parties, dances and concerts.  

“I am not too much for the foam, but I love the music,” said Morgan Miller, a junior integrated studies major from Salt Lake City. “It’s an awesome experience. I think it is one of the best events of the whole year.” 

The dance, held at the North Instructional Building, had a crowd right up until the end. 

“It was loud and banging,” said Ramadan Mohammed, a sophomore geology major from Nigeria. “That is why they call it the best dance of the semester.” 

Beacco said disc jockey Marcus Wing was originally scheduled to host the event, but DJ Justin Reid, who helps DJ Marcus Wing, took over at the last minute.

Members of the student government public relations multi-media committee had a photo booth set up, where students gathered in groups to pose.

 “I like this kind of music,” said first-time Foam Dance attendee Carissa Fiame, a sophomore biology major from St. George. “The foam [was my favorite part.] It was cool to see where they made it.” 

Beacco, who oversees all of the dances throughout the year, said she is excited for the rest of the events that are planned, and she encourages DSU students to participate.

“[Students should] be at all of the of the events,” Beacco said. “We have so many events planned … There are small events [and] huge events, but they are all going to [be] fun and they are all aimed toward the students.”