Author: Haley Hazen

Posts by Haley Hazen:

Marriage during school requires balance

We are a little notorious around here for getting married at a young age. Marrying young is heavily encouraged in our community. This can lead to a chasm where a student has to choose between doing well in school and pursuing his or her goals or taking time out for his or her’s significant other for […]

Women make porn positive

Bow-chicka-bow-wow: porn is a taboo topic, but an open dialogue about it has the potential to make it more female-friendly. The opinion on Dixie State University campus is that pornography is degrading to women and should not be viewed, but research shows that the erotic media is changing. Could there ever be a safe space created for women to engage […]

Healthy Living Challenge: Healthy challengers literally burn bad habits

Saying no to the after-party and getting some sleep have had their perks over the past five weeks. Reflecting on the healthy student challenge, making my health a priority did have drawbacks, but in the end, new habits have become valuable.   It was difficult to do a complete overhaul in conjunction with the new […]

Food proves to play a powerful role in plans

  Sitting in the far back corner of the restaurant, I hunched in shame around my hamburger and fries, praying that no one I knew would see me. I cheated. I had a weak moment and cheated on my healthy student challenge with fast food. I was into my third week of the challenge and […]

Students take on five week healthy living challenge

Chocolate and beer for dinner with hours of “Downton Abbey” aren’t necessarily the cornerstones to healthy living. With the new year comes the inevitable resolutions to be healthier. Just like everyone else, I made a goal to clean up my food intake, exercise more, and get more sleep. By volunteering for a healthy student challenge […]

Safety important to longboarders

Longboarders may appear to be a little crazy for “bombing” down hills, but they do have safety on their minds. Every once in a while you’ll see a longboard-riding student glide across Dixie State University’s campus. What about safety concerns?  At the Jan. 15 meet-up on Green Springs Drive with the Board Dixie Club, answers […]

DSUSA welcomes students back into academic life

Blue eye shadow, casino chips and Slinkys are all part of the happenings during the Welcome (Back) Week. Jill Wulfenstein, vice president of student life and a senior integrated studies major from Pahrump, Nevada, said Welcome (Back) Week aims to ease students into the spring semester and add in the social aspect of college life […]

Pianist Corinne Beard chosen as semester’s outstanding artist

Dixie State University student pianist Corinne Beard will have her own piano someday, she said, but for now she plays on the ‘Behemoth’ in the Eccles Concert Hall. Beard, a senior music major from St. George, revels in the emotional musical expression from composers Brahms, Debussy and Shostakovich. Her role as a classical pianist is […]

Former VP’s resignation underscores transparency efforts

Confusion, advice and academic allegations surround past Vice President of Academics D’Andre Mathews’ recent resignation. Mathews, a junior integrated studies major from Las Vegas, resigned from his position this semester in an effort to improve grades and prepare to attend University of Utah, as previously reported, but allegations of academic misconduct were also a part […]

Students, locals vault in Parkour Club

The Dixie State University Parkour and Freerun Club flip, roll and vault into an expression of freedom and movement. The club, which sometimes includes participants of all ages, touts safety and practice, along with the idea of freedom and movement, said St. George resident and past club president Kelson Erwin.  Club president Robert Peterson, a […]