OPINION: Online school not optimal for learning

Graphic by Abby Doman.

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Online schooling is seeing a variety of issues with students not used to the self-motivation it takes to do online classes.

With Skype and Zoom meetings at the top of the list for online classes, students are having to take initiative and participate in class from home, making sure they don’t miss the invites and scheduled times to get in.

Other classes have gone to YouTube to have assignment-based instruction videos uploaded in place of an online video chat forum. Teachers are seeing more absences in the online forum than ever before, especially with high school students.

Mental health issues are at an all-time high due to self-isolation and social distancing. Depression can make it difficult to concentrate on tasks for long periods of time and with most college students taking 4-5 classes a semester, that means sitting still for hours at a time.

College students are also working and trying to gather an income with job losses. The anxiety and stress to provide during COVID-19 is also making it difficult to concentrate on schooling and seeing it as a priority.

Classes such as labs and clinicals have become more difficult to navigate since they were hands-on classes.

“I don’t like the online environment just because I like the classroom setting,” said Bryce Field, a sophomore biology major from Eastvale, California.

Other students are struggling with class timing and when each class will come to an end since every course is now on a different timeline.

“I dislike how all of my classes are ending at different times of the month,” said Denver Leavitt, a freshman recreation and sports management major from Kansas City, Missouri. “I wish all my classes finished in the same week like they did before.”

With having to relearn some how each course functions, it’s obvious that students are not enjoying the change. Though the comfort of being home and lounging in pajamas all day sounds great, in reality it can cause depression, a lack of focus, late assignments, missed video call classes and overall unhappiness in the educational experience.

Hopefully, once COVID-19 comes to an end students will be able to go back to their normal classroom setting where they can focus clearly on their studies without all of the remote learning dilemmas.