Holland building hours need extension

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I am interrupted in my studying by the closing hours of the Jeffrey R. Holland Centennial Commons, especially on the weekends.  

The library hours are 6:45 a.m. to midnight Monday through Thursday, Friday from 6:45 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturday noon to 7:00 p.m. and Sunday 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Complaints about these hours arise from students who often find themselves being asked to leave at what they believe are inconvenient hours.  

I do not think the hours of the Jeffrey R. Holland Centennial Commons are inconvenient on weekdays. However, it sometimes is frustrating to have to leave at 7:00 p.m. while I am in the middle of studying on Friday and Saturday nights. With that being said, it would be nice to have the building open a little later on these days. Opening the building just one or two more hours on the weekend gives students ample study time and an opportunity to stay in an area that is ideal for studying.

Hunter Neville, a sophomore undeclared major from Washington said, “I wish the building was open earlier on Saturdays, but I really enjoy the Holland building and find it already very effective for students.”

The Dixie State University Student Association did a survey last year, given to me by Sarah Ramaker, a senior dance major from Midland, Michigan, on the hours of the library to see what the students thought of the current hours.  

Out of 108 students interviewed, 101 students use the library for studying. The survey showed students use the library the most on Wednesdays and the least on Saturdays. Use of the library is not as high on the weekends.

Library Director Richard Paustenbaugh said he has reviewed and studied the hours of library focusing on students and how he can help benefit them.  

“I would recommend extending the library hours over the course of a year as a study to see where hours could be added or taken away,” Paustenbaugh said.  

Paustenbaugh said after research, the library is open 95.25 hours a week, with the average hours of other Utah school libraries being 98.75 hours a week. 

Tests on extending the buildings hours of operation an hour extra on Friday, Saturday or Sunday could be used to see when students like the building being open. In order to see what the demands of the students are, Paustenbaugh said the library needs to gradually add an hour every month, for example, and start charting when the library is used with a sufficient amount of students. 

I agree with Paustenbaugh. DSU should do a trial with the students and the library over the span of a year and slightly add time over the weekend to the building’s hours of operation. If results come back where the students did not use the Jeffrey R. Holland Centennial Commons as much over the weekend, then cut it back to the way it is now.

Ellen Bonadurer, head circulation library supervisor, said there have been requests to open earlier on Saturday, but when they have tried to open earlier, no one is there. According to The DSUSA survey, out of the 101 students who use the building, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. is the least used time.

Christopher Esplin, a senior biology major from Orderville, said students accommodate with the library’s hours of operation fairly well. He said the times shouldn’t change but they should have a building open on campus where studying later is available.

“If the times were to change, the library still wouldn’t be used that much more to make a difference.” Esplin said.

Paustenbaugh said with a low budget of library usage and weak results to past attempts of changes, the staff sees these current hours as prime hours for students and the opportunity to study. 

Adding even just a few extra hours to the library’s current hours of operation would benefit students on campus.