Being Brooks the Bison

Photo Courtesy of UMAC.

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When it comes to Dixie State University’s mascot, Brooks the Bison, many people ask the question: “Who’s underneath the mask?”

DSU is looking for someone to take the mantle to be the next Brooks for the upcoming fall semester. In an interview with the current Brooks and DSU student body president, Penny Mills, we were able to get a sneak peek into a day in the life of Brooks the Bison.

Mills, who served as Brooks’ “translator” during the interview, said Brooks has loved every second of being the school’s mascot. He enjoys all the activities he has been able to participate in on campus, especially the athletics.

When it comes to his daily routine, he’s just like the rest of us, putting on one pant leg at a time. “He brushes his teeth, combs his hair, maybe a little dance party here and there,” Mills said. He has days that include his workout routines, trick practicing and attending athletic events on campus.

For those wondering what qualifications one might need to put on the Brooks costume, they have to be in shape and be able to maintain a high level of performance while performing inside of the costume. But rest assured, Mills said there are no qualifications outside of that.

Mills said Brooks’ workout routine involves, “going to the gym pretty often.” Working on his full body so he’s able to perform certain tricks. For gymnasts out there looking for an opportunity to show their stuff, this could be the perfect gig to combine showmanship and representation for DSU.

Brooks said the best part of being the mascot has been interacting with people.

“He loves connecting current Trailblazers and future Trailblazers to past Trailblazers,” Mills said.

It is a great representation of what Brooks means not only to the students at DSU, but to the community, alumni and others who are connected to the Trailblazer spirit.

When it comes to embodying that spirit, Brooks wants the next person who takes the mantle to be themselves. “Don’t be afraid to interact with all people,” Mills said. Brooks said that the next person should almost embody the mascot. “You kind of have to forget who you are and put on the persona and the character of Brooks the Bison.”

For those that are seeking to audition to be the next Brooks the Bison, contact Karlee Myers, student engagement coordinator.