OPINION | Luxury and woeful bathrooms at Dixie State University

Finding a bathroom that fits all personal criterias might be impossible. However, there are a few recommendations on what bathrooms to check out and which ones to avoid. Misha Mosiichuk | Sun News Daily

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A combination of privacy and relative cleanliness makes the bathroom on the first floor of the Browning Learning Resource Center the best men’s bathroom on campus.

Few things on this earth can offer the solitude and peace that a bathroom can. Humans are in their most vulnerable state while using the bathroom. Finding one as a college student that fits your style and needs on campus is imperative for a flourishing college experience. People are constantly searching for privacy. Especially when it comes to bathrooms. 

The little gem that is the bathroom at the Browning will likely be that safe place for you. 

Latrine luxury 

The bathroom itself is truly nothing special. In comparison to other bathrooms on campus, it’s relatively small, but that’s the beauty of it. This little, unsuspecting paradise is the perfect place to deal with your business in a discreet nature.

The Browning building is used as a resource center, so it rarely hosts classes. Because of this, there is very little foot traffic in the building most days. The empty stalls and clean spaces are bathroom bliss. More often than not, you as a patron will have the privilege to use this bathroom and its amenities all by yourself. 

The fourth floor of the Jeffrey R. Holland Centennial Commons is also a great place to take care of your bathroom needs. It also offers a great private setting and stays very clean. However, to use this bathroom, you must climb four flights of stairs or wait for the comically slow elevator. This holds this bathroom back.

One last shout-out will go to both bathrooms in the Jennings Communications Building. It may just be pure luck, but I rarely have to share these bathrooms with any other students. However, they can sometimes be pretty gross, which can be a huge mood killer. 

Woeful washroom 

If privacy is key, the bathroom on the first floor of the Udvar-Hazy School of Business building is a nightmare. 

The number of amenities at the Browning pale in comparison to the Hazy. However, the Hazy has a constant flow of students in and out of the building. Making the bathroom a crowded mess. 

It’s impossible to catch a moment in the Hazy bathroom without at least five sales bros breathing down your neck and a barrage of polos, no-show socks and a good ole “what’s up boss.” “Thanks, boss.” “Excuse me, boss.” 

The second floor of the Human Performance Center suffers from similar issues to the Hazy. Students like Luke Shaden, a freshman engineer major from Ventura, California, shared horror stories of gym bros taking shirtless mirror pics in the bathroom. I have also personally experienced similar nightmarish stories that have made using the second-floor HPC bathroom an unbearable task. It is also almost always filthy.

Nothing against the students who find themselves relating to the bros I have mentioned. But their presence leads to an uncomfortable experience for me and other patrons I have discussed this matter with. 

I compel you to go forth and find the laboratory that fits you and your needs.