Here’s why ticketing and parking has gone fully digital this year

Parking passes and event tickets have gone digital for the first time ever at Utah Tech University. Misha Mosiichuk | Sun News Daily

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Utah Tech University is going digital. 

Utah Tech started using digital parking permits this semester. These new permits can now be issued in real time. Parking manager Valerie O’Rourke said it makes it a simpler process than waiting in line to pick one up or waiting for it to be delivered. 

“We strive to improve parking services every year, and with the addition of our digital ticket writing system last year, we were able to take the next step and offer digital permits this year to absolve pick up and receipt wait times for permits,” O’Rourke said. 

Parking passes are now checked by scanning license plate on cars to see if there is an active permit attached to it or not. The new passes do not change how tickets are issued.

O’Rourke said parking tickets are not expected to increase due to the new permit, as signs are posted at the entrance of each parking lot stating a permit is required. Emails have also been sent out to students and faculty explaining the change, and the parking services website stays up to date on permits every semester. 

Parking services connected information between their systems to make it easier for all users to access their Utah Tech parking portal. This portal houses everything university-parking related which includes purchasing permits, updating vehicle information, and viewing and paying parking tickets. 

Utah Tech has also started selling event tickets on the UT ticketing portal. Utah Tech signed a 5-year agreement with Paciolan ticketing software. Paciolan is the largest primary ticketing company for college athletics with 125 clients. Tickets can be purchased or redeemed using the ticketing portal or at the window the day of the event. 

Physical tickets are still being sold, but Westley Petty, assistant to vice president for event services, said patrons are being encouraged to utilize the new web-based ticketing portal. 

“It is really the pinnacle of ticketing for colleges and though it may be new to Utah Tech, it is most certainly not a new company,” Petty said. “As the school evolves into a Division 1 university the ticketing has to evolve with it and the need for a more in-depth system was there.” 

The central ticketing office has teamed up with groups on campus to hold events to educate students and patrons about the ticketing portal. They will go over the process of creating an account, logging in and purchasing tickets. Utah Tech Student Association has also created social media content to share tutorials, instructions and links to creating accounts and logging in. 

There are boards outside student entrances with a QR code students can scan. The code will take them to a tutorial that will outline the process of creating an account, logging in and purchasing tickets.

Petty said: “All of these efforts are great but do not benefit anyone if the users are not open to trying something new… We have put the information out there for patrons to follow; however, we cannot force them through the process. We as a group need help from the community and students to advocate the process and support the university as a whole.” 

Over the weekend, the ticketing portal crashed and no one was able to purchase tickets. The cause of the crash is not known, but it wasn’t specific to Utah Tech. All 125 clients of the Paciolan system were also affected. Those with continuing ticketing issues are encouraged to email [email protected], call the box office at 435-652-7800, or visit the box office in the Cox auditorium.