Marcus Wing returns to lay down beats, foam at dance Friday

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DJ Marcus Wing will make himself seen and heard Saturday while he lays down the latest and greatest new beats as part of W.O.W and the annual foam dance on the North Instructional Building back patio.

So who is this DJ, and why are students anxiously awaiting his arrival?

According to Wing’s Facebook page, he really focuses on the crowd at hand, or rather, at turntable.

“I pride myself in professional crowd reading, pleasing massive crowds while still playing music outside the box.” Wing said. 

Wing is gearing up for his College Tour 2012 where he will make appearances at the University of Utah, Utah State University, and yours truly, Dixie State.

While few students around campus have attended Wing’s events–due to his northern Utah home base–they are getting excited none the less. 

“I’ve heard a lot about this foam dance and the DJ,” said Taylor Alisa, a freshman general education major from St. George. “I’m excited I finally get to be part of the fun as a new student to Dixie State.”

While others are maybe going more for the soapy social aspect than Wing himself. 

“I can’t wait to soap up with all my friends and just have a blast,” said Emilie Ence, a sophomore general education major from St. George.

Whether you are looking forward to Saturday’s soapy fun, or the heart-pumping music—or hey, maybe even the fist pumping—DJ Marcus Wing is sure to make an impression on this Dixie State crowd.