Creative breakups include fake dreams, Facebook posts

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It’s not you, it’s me.

Dropping important, life-changing news on someone isn’t always simple, and often cliché, but some people make their efforts original.

Dustin Campbell, a junior psychology major from St. George, said his friend didn’t want to be serious with a girl who asked for more. He broke up with her by saying: “Want to see a magic trick? Poof! You’re single.” She first didn’t believe it was real, but after he indicated he was serious, she angrily stormed off.

One person broke up with her ex over the phone after first moving eight hours away.

“I moved to St. George and wanted to move on,” said Kamille Robertson, a Taylor Andrews student. “I told my ex I had a dream, which made me decide I couldn’t marry him. That was my excuse.”

Not everyone wants to experience a breakup on either side of that awkward splitting-up conversation.

Nate Truman, a sophomore business major from Enterprise, said a girl he dated beat him to it as she starting dropping hints for a disassemble-the-relationship talk.

“She couldn’t see the relationship going anywhere,” Truman said. “When I didn’t get the hint, her mom wrote me on Facebook and her dad called me. They both told me I needed to move on. I was planning on [breaking up with her] anyway when we first started dating.”

There are many reasons, good and bad, why people decide to break up, including a lack of communication, something getting in the way, or two people losing interest in each other.

Robertson said her ex-boyfriend cheated on her and turned into a crazy, manipulative person. She said it only made sense to drop him.

“I’m a straightforward person,” said Kimberly Anderson, a senior communication major from Las Vegas. “I’d rather say, ‘I don’t feel like this is working anymore’ or ‘I want to start dating other people.'”

Anderson said it never hurts to compliment a girl and tell her the things you do like even in a breakup.

“Don’t say, ‘it’s not you, it’s me,” she said. “Don’t point out all the characteristics she has which make you not like her. No breakup is easy, so just do it in the least confusing, most respectful way possible.”