Society has gagged, handcuffed and screwed the concept of sex doggy-style for centuries now; it’s about time humanity realized the difference between a sex sin and a sex right.
While such a conservative culture all but swallows St. George and the rest of Utah, the act, discussion and even idea of sex is continually condemned, and wrongfully so.
This community’s guidelines for socially acceptable sex are unjustly strict. Intolerable behavior is stained the inkiest of blacks against the most blinding of whites.
However, people must understand the subject of sex is one of the grayest of the grays. Moral decisions should always be left to the individual. The definition of morally acceptable erotic behavior is by no means universal, but it’s absolutely unjust to denounce others for different perspectives.
Only a few sexual behaviors should ever be deemed unconditionally forbidden.
I’d flinch at any argument contending rape could possibly be appropriate. Rape, or any other act involving lack of consent or the harm of another, is by far the most obvious sex sin.
Pedophilia is also obviously vile; children cannot give proper consent to something they do not fully understand until puberty. Likewise, bestiality and necrophilia are rightfully detestable as they too involve the impossibility of authentic consent.
Consent therefore dictates the integrity of sexual behavior.
The list of unconditional sex sins may be more extensive depending on personal belief, but as long as all participants are consenting, it is unjust to damn sexuality without considering a gray area.
Currently outlawed in all states but Nevada, prostitution continually faces criticism. Nonetheless, condemning prostitution as an unconditional sin is not completely justifiable.
While some turn to prostitution in desperation, which is more of a tragedy than a sin, others may take pride and enjoyment in their work. People have the right to do as they wish with their bodies, as long as others are not harmed.
Yes, prostitution is deemed illegal almost everywhere. Do I personally believe it’s wrong to break the law? Yes. However, I will not say there is a special place in hell for anyone who chooses to be a prostitute.
Fornication, along with gay and bisexual sex, is probably the most commonly and wrongfully condemned sex act. Again, if participants are consenting then such sexual lifestyles should not be labeled as sinful. Every individual has the right to disagree, but under no circumstances should these people face discrimination because of their sexual nature or decisions.
This ideal applies to many other atypical types of sex: orgies, bondage, dominatrix, furry, scat or other engagements with untraditional fetishes. Anal and oral sex aren’t exactly revered either—women may even face slut stereotypes simply from participation.
The facilitation of pornography or sex toys also faces unjust criticism, not to mention masturbation.
It’s always comical to hear castigation of masturbation because people must respect their bodies, even though it’s no secret that masturbation can actually be healthy.
While it is true that loathsome sexual sins do exist, many acts scorned by society are just as harmless as a lonesome twist of the wrist.
Addressing the judgment of sexual sins is just the beginning. As the first ever sex column at Dixie State College, Erotic Topic has many more kinky topics, lifestyles and advice to discuss.
For the chance to contribute to sex discussions or ask for sex advice, readers can send an email to [email protected] or go to Erotic Topic’s Facebook page at
Comments, questions and advice queries are very welcome, but discriminatory and antagonistic sexual judgments are not. All erotic lifestyles will never harmonize, but at the very least humanity can manage a respectful acceptance of differences.