Red Cliffs Mall adds Victoria’s Secret after Hollister, American Eagle loss

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Red Cliffs Mall is adding another premier retailer to its merchandise mix.

Victoria’s Secret, the popular lingerie and women’s clothing shop, is set to open this summer. The 7,200 square-foot store will be located near Deb and will offer customers a long awaited shopping experience.

“We have had requests from our loyal shoppers for Victoria’s Secret, and it is fantastic that we can deliver this new store to them,” said Heather Cox, general manager of Red Cliffs Mall.

The popular retailer has been on Red Cliffs’ wish list for years now, and the timing is just right for it to appear in St. George, Cox said.

Red Cliffs Mall is the only regional mall located between Las Vegas and the populous area of northern Utah.

“Our community is booming,” Cox said. “Red Cliffs Mall has and will continue to evolve with the times.”

In addition to the upcoming Victoria’s Secret, Red Cliffs Mall also added White House Black Market and Buca di Beppo recently, and the center was updated in 2008 with the 15,000 square-foot open-air streetscape featuring first-to-the-market stores Chico’s, Coldwater Creek, Lane Bryant, Barnes & Noble and See’s Candies.

The changes to the shopping center have brought both positive and negative reviews from students at Dixie State University.

“I’m excited for the Victoria’s Secret this summer,” said Hayley Hansen, a freshman general education major from Salt Lake City. “The malls in Salt Lake offer a greater variety of stores, so I was a disappointed when I moved down here. Victoria’s Secret being added shows that Red Cliffs Mall is trying to cater to more of a variety of customers.”

Other students take a more practical view of the situation.

“The idea of Red Cliffs Mall changing is great,” said Samantha Prime, a sophomore psychology major from Taylorsville. “The people in charge of the mall are recognizing that, as an official college town, St. George needs to open up more stores catering to a younger generation.”

Despite the general positive reception the store is getting, some students feel as if Red Cliffs Mall won’t be host to the store for long.  

“Stores come into Red Cliffs and then leave just as quickly,” said Jason Long, a senior CIT major from St. George. “I mean, we had a Hot Topic for one. Everyone loved that store, but it didn’t save it from leaving.”

Aside from Hot Topic going out of business, more recently mall patrons have said goodbye to Hollister and American Eagle. The reason these stores were pulled from the mall’s roster hasn’t been publicly released.

“We don’t speak on behalf of those stores,” Cox said. “It is unfortunate when a store closes. However, this does bring change and new opportunities to Red Cliffs Mall for new shops and dining.”

Red Cliffs Mall hosts more than 40 shops and restaurants and will continue to add stores as time goes on, though they will not release any possible stores to the public until the time is right.

“The retail industry continues to advance, and we do our best to adapt and change alongside it so we stay current,” Cox said.