Vacant student body government positions yet to be filled

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The growing size of Dixie State University has caused a need for more student government positions to be filled. 

There were only 12 student government positions available in 2010 and the number of positions has since tripled, not including committee members.

For the 2013-14 school year, there are 31 stipend positions and 30 committee member seats available.

Jordon Sharp, director of student involvement and leadership, said student government has evolved during recent years because of Dean of Students Del Beatty.

“His background is in student services,” Sharp said. “He gets more people involved and brings in more money for the students.”

Because student government has grown over the last year, many more positions are open, and student government officials encourage everyone to apply.

Sharp said they would like anyone who is interested to apply for the positions. However, he said if students don’t want to work hard or don’t have a love and passion for Dixie State University, then this is not the job for them.

Carlos Morgan, a junior communication major from Santa Clara and student body president elect, agreed with Sharp.

“I want students who are committed and that will work hard.” Morgan said. “I want students who see what Dixie State University can become.”

Morgan also said he encourages everyone to apply even if they don’t have student government experience.

“Don’t be afraid to apply,” Morgan said. “You might have a talent for government that you don’t even know about.”

Talents students posses will help them progress through student government, and students will be able to fine tune their talents while participating.

Sharp said student government is a good way for students to learn practical  leadership and work skills.

“You can talk about budgeting in a classroom all you want,” Sharp said. “In (student) government, students actually budget and plan for the upcoming year.”

If students are looking for a less demanding position, or are just trying to test the water to see if they want to participate in student government, Sharp suggested becoming a committee member.

“Committee members assists the chairs with whatever they need help with,” Morgan said. “They can be as involved as they want to be.”

With so many positions to be filled, student government leaders suggest turning in applications as soon as possible and encourage students who have questions to contact Sharp or any current member of student government.

Students can find applications online at dixie.edu on the main page. Applications are due by March 27, and interviews will start the week of April 1. 

Students can submit the application online or drop them off to the student government office located inside the Gardner Student Center.