First year of Thurs ‘D’ sees some success

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Pooping for Peru provided a joke for the comedian, so we could all be hypnotized into forgetting on Thurs “D.”

Thursday is not just a day of the week; it’s a day for students to get together for cheap activities. 

Every Thursday, the Dixie State University Student Association puts together the Thurs “D” activity. These activities consist of things like bringing a comedian to share some laughs to poker night. Most activities are free, but others will sometimes cost a small amount of money, depending on the night.

Dixie Sun News polled 103 random students and asked them how they felt about Thurs “D” activities. Students were asked if they are avid attenders, occasional show ups, or no goers. 

With a campus so diverse, not all students look forward to attending these events. Out of 103 students asked, 23 said they are there every week.

Zach Smith, a freshman general education major from West Jordan, said he could be found in the Gardner building every Thursday night.

“It’s not like I ever have anything better to do,” Smith said. “What is there to do on a Thursday night other than going to Thurs ‘D’?”

Smith said there are always great activities full of things he would otherwise never get to do.

“When am I ever going to get to see a hypnotist or a comedian for like $2?” Smith said.

While Smith considers himself a regular, 44 students said they only go sometimes.

Mike Peters, a sophomore general education major West Valley, said some of the activities are boring.

“It’s not something I look forward to every week, but for the most part I go,” Peters said. “Not to be mean, but some of the activities sound pretty lame.” 

Peters said activities, such as bingo, do not interest him. He also said he is too busy with homework to go every Thursday.

“I’m taking 23 credits, so that plays as another component on whether I will be there or not,” Peters said.

Another person who agreed with Peters was Karisa Larsen, a freshman general education major from Henderson, Nev.

“When I’m not working, I’m doing homework,” Larsen said. “I do kind of like going when I have time, though.”

While most students said time plays a huge part in their attendance, 36 students said they wouldn’t go at all.

Aaron Anderson, a freshman business major from Draper, said he thinks Thurs ”D” is a waste of his time.

“I’d rather play Xbox at home,” Anderson said. “It’s always free and I already know that it will be fun.”

Anderson said he tries to participate in school activities, but he already knows they won’t meet his expectations. He said he goes to every basketball game and most dances but still finds both to be pretty boring.

“My friends say it’s lame too, so why would I go to a place where I don’t have any friends?” Anderson said.

Sawyer Hamblin, a sophomore general education major from South Jordan, said he might go if he actually had time.

“Most of my time is spent working, and when I’m not doing that I sleep,” Hamblin said. “I would definitely say I am way too busy to even think about going.”

Student Life Coordinator Stefanie Higginson said the DSUSA members take a lot of time planning each activity to fit students. She also said there are two main reasons why students don’t participate.

“A lot of students don’t even know what is going on, and I would suggest they take a look around campus and social media to know exactly what is going with any kind of activity,” Higginson said. “Then there are the students who choose not to get involved with anything. If they would just participate, they would soon learn what they are missing out on.”

Higginson suggests that every student go to at least one Thurs “D” activity just to know what they are all about.

Thurs “D” activities take place every Thursday night and are usually in the Gardner Ballroom.