New signs are scheduled to be posted by the sand volleyball courts after complaints about the public using them.
Dixie State University campus recreation staff is creating new signs to be placed by the courts located by the institute building on campus. The signs will state that students have the right to use the courts before residents of the St. George community.
This idea was brought up when members of the state board of regents were on campus to hear a proposal for a new recreation center and how campus recreation could be improved.
Students were excited when the volleyball courts were built on campus three years ago and continue to play on them regularly.
However, students were not the only ones who were excited to utilize the courts. Residents of St. George have been actively using the courts as well. While there are no rules against the public coming to use the court, some students feel they should have first choice on the playing space.
“It kind of sucks to show up to play and see all the courts are full,” said Caleb Baldwin, a sophomore communication major from Ogden.
Baldwin said it is OK that the public uses the courts, just when students come to use them, the public should be considerate of the students who want to play too.
“Sometimes when we come to play, the people using the courts aren’t even playing volleyball,” Baldwin said. “There was one group just passing a medicine ball.”
Baldwin asked one of the people using the courts if he could play, but the man was not open to the idea.
Campus services is working on designing the signs and plans to have them up as soon as possible.
“Having the signs up will help the public understand we are just not being rude college students,” Baldwin said.
Student government officers felt signs would be the best way to address the growing problem out on the sand.
Greg Layton, a senior English major from Cottonwood Heights, said when the regents asked for suggestions, he wanted to address the situation.
Layton said he heard about problems that had happened recently and had problems personally while he was trying to play volleyball.
“We want the public to come,” Layton said. “We just want them to recognize the courts were built for the students.”
The public is encouraged to reserve the courts through Dixie’s campus recreation, located in the Student Activity Center.
“The public is still welcome to come,” Campus Recreation Director Christian Hildebrandt said. “We just want the signs up to help prevent contention.”