Pink is in the air in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
But the abundance of pink is not enough. There needs to be more action.
Every October, social media and various organizations help raise awareness for breast cancer research by ensuring that wearing pink apparel is recognized as contributing something to the cause. This isn’t really doing anything out of the ordinary.
Being aware of breast cancer for one month of the year is not accomplishing what needs to be done. There needs to be more donations and other contributions to the research. Every person in the world is aware of cancer in its various forms. It’s a terrible disease and a cure needs to be found.
Wearing a pink shirt to state you’re “aware” is as pointless as wearing a wristband with the words “I Love Boobies.” It simply states an obvious point but does nothing to solve the problem. Action needs to be taken to help find the solution to this awful problem, and there are many ways to show support.
Cancer is not something we should be aware of one month of the year, rather there should be an everyday fight to eradicate this illness.
I, like many people, have been affected greatly by the damaging impact of cancer, having lost a cousin, grandfather and father to the disease. My family has found various ways to show our support. One of my cousins annually chops off her hair and donates it to Locks of Love, which uses the donated hair to make wigs for cancer patients. One of my aunts and her family participate in a charity walk for cancer research each year.
Ever since my father’s passing three years ago, I have been searching for something I can do to help the movement. I’m proud to say my brother and I are going to participate in the Canyonlands Half Marathon in March, and we’ll participate with Huntsman Hometown Heroes to raise money for cancer research. Even if we don’t raise more than a few hundred dollars, it’s still something we can do for the cause.
Doing your part doesn’t have to be anything extraordinary, just something that says you are more than “aware” of the situation. If you are one who enjoys physical activity, the Save a Sister 10K, 5K and 1-mile walk is Oct. 26 at the Dixie Convention Center, and funds raised go toward breast cancer research. Additional information for this event can be found at
Cancer patients need our help, and we have many ways to provide them with that help. We must do more than silly things. A popular meme clogging up my Facebook news feed earlier this month advertised Oct. 13 as “No Bra day” in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
As much as I support — pun intended — women exercising whatever rights they want, I don’t see how this is helping find a cure for cancer.
All of us know someone with cancer, and all of us are capable of doing something more than wearing a pink shirt.