Fit n’ Pretty: Apple cider vinegar benefits body in diverse ways

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An apple a day may not keep the doctor away.

Apple-lovers don’t fret, there is something else that may keep you out of the doctor’s office −  it’s apple cider vinegar − and it’s pretty incredible.

Apple cider vinegar caught my eye at a young age. My dad used to pour the murky, brown liquid into a small glass and chug it every morning. I remember thinking he was some kind of freak, but I was too infatuated with my Cinnamon Toast Crunch to give his strange practice any more thought. 

But now I’ve wised-up and realize my dad was onto something with his routine glass of apple cider vinegar.

Non-distilled, organic ACV is made from crushed, fermented apples. ACV contains malic and acetic acid, elements that can help regulate the body’s pH levels. It also contains pectin, potassium and many other trace elements that are beneficial to our bodies.

Apple cider vinegar has a lengthy list of benefits. After reading the book “Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System,” I discovered ACV can help improve everything from blood pressure and weight, to skin and the most vital organs. ACV also kills 99 percent of bacteria, which explains why we can use ACV as a natural house cleaner. Not to mention ingesting ACV can help fight off germs and viruses within the body.

ACV has anti-glycemic affects that can help improve insulin sensitivity, which is integral in maintaining sugar levels in the blood, according to onegoodthingbyjillee.com. ACV can stimulate the metabolism and help with diabetes, cancer, heart health, cholesterol, free radical damage, digestion and acid reflex, according to naturalnews.com.

I bought my very own 32-ounce bottle of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar at Natural Grocers, located on 624 W. Telegraph Street. My dad would be proud. I hurried home to test out the miracle liquid, and as soon as I took a swig, I nearly choked. How did my dad do this?

I’ll be honest, ACV tastes disgusting. Granted, I tried to drink it straight from the bottle, which I now understand is a pretty gutsy thing to do. Most recipes suggest mixing 2 tablespoons of ACV into 8 ounces of water. You can even add honey or agave to make the drink more bearable. We aren’t all hard-asses, eh hem, dad.

I didn’t just drink the ACV. I went a tad crazy with the stuff. I mixed 1/4 cup of ACV with 12 ounces of water into a spray bottle and cleaned all the windows a mirrors in my apartment. The concoction works better and costs less than a bottle of Windex. I also put some ACV on a pimple I got last week; the acetic acid helps regulate skin’s pH balance. The pimple minimized and became less red after a night’s use of ACV. Even Scarlett Johansson uses this natural product to maintain flawless skin, according to huffingtonpost.com.

From here on out, my goal is consume 2 tablespoons of ACV a day. The health benefits far out way the sharp, pungent taste. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll acquire a taste for it. 

Sometimes maintaining and improving health requires a little sacrifice, but just like many other healthy practices, incorporating ACV into your life is bound to pay off.