DSU students share their habits to stay healthy

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Though the generic tale of a college student living off of ramen noodles is a thrilling thought, there are still students working to stay in shape and lead healthy lives.

Many students at Dixie State University have busy schedules, but some still manage to get a workout into their day. Logan Pfau, a junior history major from Missoula, Montana, said that exercise is “essential to [his] being successful in school.”

“I will either go in the mornings before my classes start or I will go late at night after studying and classes are done,” Pfau said. “It keeps me sane as well as giving me a break from school’s stress and helps me re-focus on school.”

Pfau said he likes to power lift, and some of his favorite movements are bench press, squat and dead lift. He likes to have fun with his work outs and do a variety of work outs.

“I like to mix up my work outs, not just focusing on one aspect all the time,” Pfau said. “Have fun working out because if it sucks, why are you going to do it to yourself? … My advice would be to stay active doing anything … just go be active and you will be more happy with life.”

Alexa Leavitt, a senior business major from Bountiful, grew up being involved in sports and being active. She said she has made a habit out of making good health work with her schedule and waking up in the mornings to work out before school.

“I love to run and I also lift weights,” Leavitt said. “I think girls kind of have a fear of the gym and lifting weights and stuff, but I think it’s pretty cool if you can do pull ups and squats.”

Leavitt said it helps to have a fitness goal to work toward to keep motivated.

“When you have a goal and you complete it there is such an accomplishing feeling and I think that’s what brings people back when they’re working out,” she said.

Besides being active and exercising, food plays a big part in overall health.

“Obviously staying away from the regular college foods [and] cheap foods you buy like ramen or fast food,” said Chris Brooks, a junior general education major from St. George.

Eating healthy is not nearly as expensive as people sometimes think, said Leavitt. She said she cooks about 90 percent of her meals.

“I think people think that eating healthy is just like eating vegetables, which is not all of it,” Leavitt said. “There’s so [much] really good food out there that people just need to try.”

Whether or not students are doing what they need to in order to stay on top of their fitness, there are resources to help with their health.

Brooks and Leavitt work at the fitness center on campus, and they said it is a good place to go to with questions. Brooks said there is a lot of variety in the activities students can be involved in to stay fit at DSU.

“Intramurals on campus is a great program that allows students to be active, and it’s a lot of fun”, Brooks said.

Brooks also recommended the fitness center class for students, which gives them a membership to the fitness center for a semester.

“As long as they get here we can motivate them,” Brooks said.

Leavitt said the hardest part of getting healthy is just getting to the gym.

“You have to find something you love,” Leavitt said. “It doesn’t have to be running on a treadmill – it can be playing sports or whatever. But it’s such a good feeling.”