A new lecture series is surfacing at Dixie State University, and the speakers are aiming to promote entrepreneurship.
The lecture series will consist of entrepreneurs from all over different states, including an upcoming lecture on September 12 with the makers of Squatty Potty. The lecture series is also a class, giving credit to those who attend Mondays at noon in the Dunford Auditorium in the Browning Resource Learning Center.
eaker who has started a small business or started a business and is running it,” said Entrepreneur in Residence Don Watkins. “They come in and tell their story. It’s just inspiring for the students.”
The lecture series isn’t just for people who want to be entrepreneurs, Watkins said.
“We know a lot of students may not own their own business, but what we teach is how to be an intrepreneur,” Watkins said. “Now, intrepreneur means how [someone] can rise to the top in a business and maybe end up with some ownership.”
Being an intrepreneur is learning how to “shine” within your own job, even if you aren’t the owner of it, Watkins said.
Watkins said he’s been involved in entrepreneurship since 1983.
“I loaded my family up in a motor home and went out selling computer accessories at computer stores to start my business,” Watkins said.
The lectures are designed to teach students basic principles of the differences between “dreamers and business builders,” Watkins said.
Chris Brown, visiting instructor of entrepreneurship and instructor for the lecture series course, said he teaches entrepreneurship and also has his own business where he manages dental practices.
“We’re trying to prepare [students] as if they were going to go present on Shark Tank,” Brown said.
“I love the opportunity to hear the background stories of these hardworking entrepreneurs,” Garcia said. “I feel like the lecture series gives students a better perspective of what they can become and what they can start working toward, even during college.”