Halloween party to replace homecoming dance

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Members of the Dixie State University Student Association decided to ditch the formal homecoming dance and try a Halloween party instead this year. 

The 2016 DSU homecoming is still full of all the same traditions, like painting the “D,” Miss Dixie, Rock the Mall, the drive-in movie, the homecoming parade and football game, but DSUSA will also be bringing back the old tradition of powderpuff football and adding a new Halloween party called CHAOS.

“[DSUSA] is shooting for it to be the largest Halloween event in southern Utah,” said Colton Campbell, DSUSA vice president of public relations and a junior integrated studies major from St. George.

Dixie State University’s homecoming theme, “Red, Wild and Free,” was inspired by the newfound feeling on campus, Campbell said. 

“We felt like there is just so more school spirit than we have had and it’s crazy and it’s wild, and people feel free to express the pride they have [for] their school, which is something we haven’t seen a lot of in the past,” Campbell said. 

Early bird spirit

The painting the “D” tradition will be the pre-homecoming festivity before the Monday kick off, which will be Oct. 17 at 8:30 a.m.

Students will be painting the “D” at the intersection of 800 East and 400 South in front the entrance to the Burns Arena before homecoming Oct. 10-12 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. 

In with some old and new

DSUSA has brought back the gender role switch tradition of powderpuff football after skipping a year due to scheduling conflicts.

DSU women will split up into two teams based on their class to play flag football. The upperclassmen seniors and juniors will make up one team, and will be facing off against the lowerclassmen sophomores and freshmen Oct. 20 starting at 8 p.m. at  Legend Solar Stadium.

“We are hoping we can combine classes and try to create some friendly classmen rivalry,” said Cajun Syrett, DSUSA vice president of student life and sophomore integrated studies major from Bryce Canyon City.

Campbell said student feedback from the DSUSA comment box, social media, and focus groups indicated that the traditional homecoming dance is not the best college event. So instead, DSUSA will be putting together a new Halloween event called CHAOS, Campbell said.

A few of the activities CHAOS will be featuring is 9-hole glow-in-the dark mini golf, a reptile exhibit, an oxygen bar, 300 designs for airbrush tattoos, an obstacle course, a dance floor with DJ Marcus Wing, photo booth, and a surprise in the Gardner Student Center ballroom.

“We are hoping people enjoy it so much that it will become a tradition, not necessarily a homecoming tradition, but a Halloween one,” Campbell said.

CHAOS will only be pre-selling for a $5 early bird sale starting Oct. 7-12, rise to $10 Oct. 13-17, rise to $15 Oct. 18-21, and will be $20 at the door with student I.D.

CHAOS will be Oct. 22 starting at 9 p.m. followed by True Trailblazer at midnight in the fountain.

In-between events

DSU clubs will dance and sing their own renditions of the DSU school song for Rock the Mall Oct. 21 at noon outside of the Gardner Student Center.

Most DSU clubs get pretty creative with make-up, costumes, and will add its own twist to the school song or make it into a parody, Syrett said.

Clubs will be competing this year for $40 merit money and get a free meal at The Pizza Factory, located downtown St. George.

The DSU drive-in movie will be at the old airport Oct. 19 at 8 p.m.

The drive-in is free and open to students and the community, so students will want to get there early to secure a close spot to watch the movie “Zootopia,” Syrett said.

$5 events

DSUSA will be offering two priced events for $5.

Tickets for the Miss Dixie Pageant will be $5 for students with student I.D. and $10 for faculty, staff and community.

Syrett said the price was raised for DSU faculty, staff and community to be able to maintain the quality of the Miss Dixie pageant.

About 25 DSU women will dance their way onto the stage at the Cox Auditorium, perform a talent, answer questions, dress in swimsuits and evening gowns for the whole pageant package on Oct. 18, beginning at 7:30 p.m.

Students can find a full schedule of DSU Homecoming 2016 at https://alumni.dixie.edu/traditions-events/homecoming/.

“There is a different type of event for every type of student,” said Student Body President Sarah Ramaker, a senior dance major from Midland, Michigan.