Human Performance Center to break ground in September

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Dixie State University administrators announced March 7 that a 5 percent increase in student fees will be implemented starting in the fall 2017 semester. 

Increases will help fund the new projects on campus and student services and operations. A student government committee also adjusted the requested change in fees by taking athletics from a requested additional $15 per student to just an additional $1 per student. 

“Athletics get a lot already from student fees, and they got money from the state,” said Student Body President Sarah Ramaker, a senior dance major from Midland, Michigan. “We just didn’t feel right raising the fees for [athletics] when they already get the second highest fee.”

Ramaker said changes in student fees were highly debated in a committee before they settled unanimously on fees the committee agreed on. This 4-7 percent raise in fees mirrors the proposed 4-7 percent raise in tuition approved by the board of trustees March 10. 

The state legislature voted to allocate $500,000 to DSU athletics to go toward academic services, like tutoring and advising, to help athletes graduate with good grades. The allocation will also help DSU develop teams like women’s lacrosse, track and beach volleyball to help balance its sports for Title IX. 

The new Human Performance Center at DSU will be breaking ground in September. DSU raised $5 million through fundraising in the community. Funding for the center was approved by Utah legislature the first week of March. 

Along with the new Human Performance Center, DSU will be adding a master’s degree in physical therapy, occupational therapy and nursing by fall 2018. These new additions are being built in an attempt to keep up with DSU’s continuing growth.

“Our challenge will be staying focused on [the current projects],” said President Biff Williams. “Our faculty, staff and student body are all marching toward the same purpose.” 

There will be 38 new programs at DSU by the end of 2017. New programs that have been announced are bioinformatics, applied sociology, BFA studio art, population health, recreation and sports management, information systems and data analysis, and a traditional Bachelor of Science in nursing.

The state legislature approved $1.5 million to go toward a partnership with the University of Utah and DSU for medical classes. The first class to come out of the partnership will start May 2018. Williams said physical therapy, occupational therapy and nursing are three of top-tier master’s degree programs that will come from this partnership in fall 2018. 

Expanding the staff at the new Health and Wellness Center is another part of DSU’s “from status to stature” plan.

“[Translators] are something we want to provide for students [in the Health and Wellness Center],” Dean of Students Del Beatty said. “It’s a challenge that all health and wellness centers face on every campus.”

Williams said there will be several new treatment rooms in the center and more counseling.

DSU is hoping to complete most of its “from status to stature” plan by 2020.